[Fed] Primary Results

Day 3,208, 20:28 Published in USA USA by fingerguns

This CP race is a Fed’s wet dream.

We’ve been preaching for years that the best way to build a strong, active nation is through community-building, specifically at the party level. It’s like a microcosm of the larger eRep universe, and the perfect training ground for future leaders when the mechanisms are fully in place. The political party is the best method to get a new player invested in a vibrant, active community and teach them what they need to know to accomplish anything they want to accomplish in this game.

Lately the Feds have been reworking those mechanisms inside the party and it has yielded some delicious fruit already. Our last party primary jumped up 10 votes from the month before, and now just a few weeks later, our CP primary jumped up yet another 10 votes! We are up 20 active, voting members just in the last month. In the last Congressional election, overall turnout was low, and yet the Feds saw a nearly 30 vote jump over the previous race! We’ve got the heat!

Some of this boost is older players. I sent up the P/H signal and far across the distance they felt that familiar tingle in their swimsuit area. They knew it was time to reassemble. But a significant amount of this heat is being generated by actual new players. YES THEY STILL EXIST! And since there are only a few of them, we can quickly swarm them with our irresistible Fedness.

The big question of this election is about exactly these things and I think that’s what really pushed us over the top when it comes to buzz in the party. This is one of our favorite topics- what is the best way to get new players active and train people up to be the next generation of leaders? Whether they are new players or returning players that never got a shot at the national spotlight doesn’t matter. How do we get from point A to point B?

Feds all know this needs to happen, of course. And we also know it’s the responsibility of the party to make it happen. It’s what we do everyday. However, being the smart, free-thinking individuals we are, there was quite a debate over how to do this on a bigger scale! And I don’t mean the debate hosted on eNPR. I mean the one on the Fed Party forum, in the Fed IRC channel (#fedpartychat) and around each and every Fed watercooler. Do we limit the number of positions available nationally and make them more competitive? Or do we keep the structure we have and just be better at it?

The primary race on our forum was incredibly close and with our constantly increasing turnout, it was a nail-biter. In the end, our very own Orikfricai pulled out the win 21-20 over Pfeiffer, thereby securing the Fed Party nomination.

We are happy to have his back as he enters into the general election on the 5th!


New games starting soon for Feds and Friends!