(EPIC) Vote Mark Morcom in Manitoba

Day 1,677, 11:32 Published in Canada South Africa by OKayOK

Pride vs Stupidity
Coming from eSouth Africa, I think that I have a unique view on risks. When your enemy is Brazil and you are 1/100th of the size of your enemy, pressing the Declare War button is somewhat daunting considering that you might be deciding the future of you nation for the coming year. Pride sometimes dictates that we must take risks but these risks must have a possibility of regaining your pride and establishing the respect of people in the eWorld for your nation.
I am not convinced that Rylde and his government has done this. War seems to be for either domination, or simply for fun. I do NOT believe that the “game” of eCandians should be decided in this manner. I also think that as a CP, lambasting an opposition party for simple disagreeing with a NE proposal is simply ridiculous. The Presidency is a post that calls for Servant-hood, not for Power Seeking, Toy Throwing rubbish. I believe that the Presidency serves Congress and this has not been evident in his actions.

Seek Growth
I am confused at the decentralisation of the military in eCanada. I know that the advent of Military Units made a certain amount of decentralisation inevitable, but why the hell are we funding MU's from the government coffers. MU's are self sufficient in other countries and I really feel that the subsidy is foolish.
Instead of giving these funds to Commanders who seek to expand their own pride and power base but redistributing these funds into supplies for Sargent+ players, we should be refocusing the funds onto the Noobs that grace our presence. Instead of focusing on Military Might, we should be Focusing on Human Resource Might, which is what holds the most potential

Focus your goals
Do we want to continue to be America's bitch/hat/wig? We should be using our position on the continent to grow ourselves in a substantial way. Our focus should be on the future awesomeness of Canada. A Canada who is kind, not fast to be angered, reasonable, but not someone with whom you f*ck.

This is who I am and this is what I believe, take it or leave it – I do no other!

Vote for me in Manitoba – I long to Serve