Day 2,130, 15:17 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Sparkfyre

Salaams All!

These are the Standard Operating Procedures that I will implement in my Party, specifically on those of you who become Congress members.

Congress Priority should be given to citizens who meet the following criteria:

o Active in commenting on articles, news feeds and PMs.
o Be active on IRC.
o Be regular on eRepublik.
o A member of ePakistan for at least a month.
o Carefully checked for multi or PTO-risk’
o Have clearance from the CP if under suspicion of being either of the above.


Congress Duties:

o DONATE their 5 gold to the treasury.
o Keep up with current National and International politics.
o Discuss ideas and laws.
o Write block-check in the comments below.
o Follow the advice of the Head of Congress.
o Citizenship applications is discussed below.

In the event of disagreement or reservations:

o DISCUSS with the HoC or your PP before you vote and clarify the reasoning.
o Raise an objection with logical reasoning in the cabinet thread in-game.


This is the Immigration Policy outlined that I will ask all Party Presidents and those of you who become Congress members to implement.

In the spirit of full disclosure the congress will:

o The congress will be split into two in-game thread messages, with 20 members in each
o The Party Presidents, Cabinet members and Head of Congress will be in each thread.


Congress Duty towards Citizen Applications:

Due to the dangers of a Political Take Over from outside the country, these rules must be VERY carefully followed and each Party President is fully accountable for their Congress members.

o An immigration team consisting of the MoFA and 3 congressmen which will be elected at 28th of each month, three days after congress elections.

o A new CS form will be designed for the new process.

o The Applicant has to fill the new Citizenship Application Form.

o A charge of 6 gold (non-refundable) and 1000cc (refundable) will be payable before accepting.

o The charge of 6 gold will be divided so that the congress member receives 1 gold and the Party receives 5.

o A payment method should be designed on the following basis. Let's say an organisation posts an offer of total 100 PKR and at the rate of 1PKR =8g. Similarly an offer of a 1g = 1000PKR means there is total 100pkr. The applicant will buy 1pkr for 8g and we may quote that as ticket number. Meaning, if the applicant bought 1pkr from 100, the ticket number would be 100 and this will be written in their cs form and the same process will be applied to the ticket number for refundable amount.

o Refund will be returned when the person's cs request gets accepted in another country. If he breaks the rules and participates in politics, the refund will not return that.

o Green channel will be introduced. So if a person pays, joins us and then due to some reasons changes their CS and later they apply again during the 30 days time period, they will not have to pay anything, no interview will be necessary and he will be accepted directly.

o Congress exemptions can be for CP or (2 congressmen + PP) should not be for all citizens because then citizens will face the risk of bribe offers.

These rules are to ensure that the citizens taking such a critical step are ones who are aware of the current situation and don’t mistakenly let in someone who may cause harm to ePakistan.



This requires co-operation from all citizens and in case of breaking direct rules or these regulations, severe action will be taken:

o The perpetrator will be black-listed for the next 3 months.
o Be disallowed to participate in politics as punishment for their willing crime.
o Withdrawal of all supplies and help from the Government and Military Units.


These rules are harsh but necessary. The threat of an external PTO is VERY REAL. And we have to be very careful. I urge all citizens to contact their PPs for congress positions ONLY if they feel they can do their position and their country justice.


In my own party, DPP, I personally will give preference to the following:

Thank you!

MoFA of ePakistan,
PP of DPP,
Deputy Omega of WOLF

Pride, Power, PAKISTAN!! o7

Edits may take place, but the foundation will not alter.