Day 649, 05:35 Published in Portugal Hungary by eMagyar Kormany
eMagyar Közlöny / Official Bulletin of eHungary

eMagyarország kormányának hivatalos lapja / official bulletin of the government of eHungary



The Peace probably suprised many, and they feel that Portugal betrayed PEACE and Hungary. I would like to clear this issue with showing some facts.

1, Portugal never ever wanted to attack the USA.
In a complicated strategical situation, after multysided international pressure they PT to BLOCK. I repeat that all this was initiated as a BLOCK. One single block that PT agreed on. It turned out different, but that is another story.

2, The main goal of WW3 was Hailongjiang. The attack on the USA was only a distraction. Occupation of Asturias and Spain are beyond all imaginations. However after the first battles we had to marche forward to keep the initiative, thus resulted to push USA down to just ONE region.

3, Portugal has appr. 1500 active players, they did not want to get 7000 american behind their borders without international warranties. If you imagine the amount of damage 7000 americans working on low wellness can cause while fighting on RED on the RWs, I believe this is all understandable. PEACE was unable to give Portugal the required warranties thus the attack on Florida never happened.

4, PEACE was also unable to make Russia step back from her demands toward New Jersey. Thus US rejected the almost signed peace threaty. All this resulted that initiative was give to the exAtlantis on a silver plate.

5, After USA-s Peace-trick, Indonesia fall out from the PT MPPs, that front was done. If USA turns there not just with blocks but all damage, they would loose everything. Not just the lack of 500 golds, but the war would had remain opened.

6, Indonesia and Russia are safe (as many countries in the case of Indo and 2 Hungarian regions in the case of Russia are blocking the way from the multi MPP wars). There is NOTHING between Portugal and USA. They are not worriing for getting attacked tomorrow, but a change in the power-relations in the future is possible. They just do not want to make the same mistake that USA did with leaveing the wars opened.

Naturally we are not happy to see what is happening. But remember: Without Portugal, we would not have Hellokitty. Portugal risked her own securtity for OUR high IRON and PEACE internal harmony. I think it is understandable if they care about themselfs a bit now. Portugal will particpate in the wars throught the MPPs and we can always count on their help.

The victory is not as outstanding and overwhelming as it could be, but still beyond every imagination.


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