[Editorial] The Dark Ages(COR) Part 1

Day 1,006, 19:44 Published in North Korea New Zealand by Marcos Arolia

(Today is an off day for the East Asia Daily. Tomorrow will be a double edition)

The Sunday(Monday for Asians) Edition is a special time for myself and readers. This period is a refresher day where I do not feel as busy to produce the news from all over the region where I may feel free to write an article about East Asian culture from BETA to V2. We begin with the mutual friendship that has always existed in Asia.


BETA- the Beta version of eRepublik. The testing version of the game. Can also be called V0.
BETA Giants- Old players who began in the BETA version and became famous for a variety of issues, mostly due to military might.
First Japan-South Korea War- The first war between Japan and Korea. Japan, under the Yamato Suzuki administration, conquered Korea, run by quizterr, to untie both nations.
Holy Empire of Pakistan- The great power of the area after invading and conquering China. Run under a communistic economy and theocratic worship of Dio Brando, permanent God-Emperor of Pakistan and the state religion of Dioism. They are permanent enemies of Sweden, a European power during this time.


It is difficult to find information on BETA society for East Asia. Much of it is due to lost presidencies for both China and Korea. Corea was non-existant only being born in V1. It is only Japan where its Imperial Presidency extends in knowledge all the way to BETA. Many Presidents did not have their own paper unlike today where it is protocol. This research took time to complete in an effort of many months. Here are my sources:

Old Presidential Report:
Nippon News Network:
Beijing Daily[Storm Corporation]
Hen Hao Du News
Swift News

Editorial 1- The Dark Ages

BETA is famous within the circles of eRepublik. A time when the game was a brand new world where infinite possibilities could be established. It held the shine of a new product, attracting pioneers, some of which would eventually become BETA Giants. Today, there is bery little evidence around the world that BETA took place. Sure, there are events that are well known, but those occurred in Late BETA. Early BETA was the very start of the game. The structures that are familiar today to all citizens did not exist and had to be created from the start.

Those attempts at creating a society mostly failed in East Asia. China, Japan, and Korea(it was the only Korea, so there is no need for South) were born on Day 1 of the New World. BETA China and Korea have been lost to the passage of time. However, Japan's culture from those days still exists. To learn about BETA East Asia, we must go all the way back to Japan, the regional power of the first months.


The Land of the Rising Sun began on Day 1 of the New World. Like many other presidential elections, the first Imperial President was lost to posterity. What is known about this time is what the first known President Wej in Old Presidential Report:

When I started, Japan was really low in population, and there was 2 really crappy parties, both wanting to make Pakistan better, neither caring about Japan. In other words, they wanted to be Pakistan's bitch.

I however, wanted to make Japan strong. I sent out all my invites, and had some of my friends send out more invites. We got a few people in Japan, around 10 or so, and we started a food company, Loli FoodCorp. With the profit we made off of that, and gold from invites, we started a Party.

Unlike China and Korea, the January election was recorded with Wej being the winner. President Wej introduced many of the structures that characterize government in Japan today. Forums, banks, and hospitals for the populace made Wej a popular president. He had a long reign to at least April. During that time, he, along with the presidents of Korea and Thailand, attempted to create the Asian Alliance.


Wej's greatest contribution to East Asian history is the concept that we are soverign nations, not the puppets of powerful governments that has become dominant today. In the April 2007 elections, Yamato Suzuki, his Foreign Minister, succeeded him to what is now known as the Imperial Presidency.


It is more difficult to ascertain the early history of the other nations. There are very few newspapers that can be located that tell the stories of the BETA Chinese and Korean cultures, government, and other things. An early name that appears in BETA Chinese history is Confucius(Born on Day 7), who was the representative of China. It is possible that he was either the Foreign Minister or President on Day 64 of the New World. There is not enough information to tell what his role was. What is known is he was a former leader during BETA.

Korea was even worse as Swift Lee states when Japan abandoned its MPP with Korea:

The reason behind Japan breaking the alliance with our country, South Korea, is claimed that our government is too inactive. Well perhaps that might be the case as you see there are not much activity or news going around or any news coming out from the mouths of the party members themselves. They also state that our media is terribly dead and that we ought to do something. Indeed, being allies with a country that does nothing at all is more troublesome then ever. And perhaps it is more like "babysitting" as what their media says.

Known history of the Presidency begins in February, as neppons won February elections for 2008. A Swede, he was the leader of the country to at least April 5th when President Suzuki mentions quizterr was declared as the President in Nippon News Network.

Mina Chang

With Indonesian citizens outnumbering the number of Chinese citizens in the country, both sides believe differently about how the country should be run

-and1, formerly an Indonesian citizen, will continue the Indonesian rule in China

-Mina Chang believes that China has become a puppet state of Indonesia and vows to bring control back to the Chinese.

The last President of BETA China, Mina Chang believed in her country. A member of Global Cooling Party, run by Confucius, Her opponent, and1, was a former Indonesian citizen. The former President, YudhArifin Jr., was an Indonesian as well. Ms. Chang won the election breaking off the MPPs with Japan willingly. This would save Japan from what was to come.


The Holy Empire of Pakistan began on Day 1 of the New World. At first empty, it was not long before members of /v/, led by Dio Brando, were born and took control of the nation. Praised as God-Emperor, he had what could be considered as close to absolute power as possible in this game. Antagonistic against Iran, led by Koroush, known in history as the Shah, and India, who also has their early history obscure. Pakistan had signed an MPP with China.


After breaking off a war declaration temporarily, Pakistan invaded Xinjiang province starting the conquest of BETA China. Ms. Chang, in her final article, wrote this:

Pakistan has declared war against our glorious country.

I ask for help from any country willing to provide aid.

Pakistan consists of 650+ people
China is comprised of only 48 people

I advise anyone who plans to flee to do so before Thursday.

Anyone willing to fight. We shall remain strong till the end.

To China! To Peace!

Their Congress was under the control of Pakistan through a coup(early version of PTO). It did not take long for Pakistan to conquer China, despite its size and assistance of allies. This event ended Chinese soverignty for many months. The breaking of the MPP served its purpose here: Japan could not be invaded through a chain war. Japan's freedom would prove important for the end of the Dark Ages.

First Japan-South Korea War

President Yamato Suzuki, after the China-Pakistan War, decided to invade Korea. The reasoning was soun😛 there was little to no activity at all. I could only find articles from the Swift Times to tell me anything about what was happening. Begun on April 28, 2008, Japan overwhelmed the country.

There were now two different conquerers in East Asia. Pakistan had conquered China with its 300, and Japan annexed Korea. The different philosopy of both countries would change the course of each nation's path.

Thank you

Marcos Arolia