[eCan] A worrying situation for us all

Day 2,130, 09:39 Published in Canada Canada by Oinyo

Well some of you may have seen this already but those who havent..
eSpain is going to war with the eUSA it seems.

What does this mean for us and our recent stance on "bromance" and helping the states?

It means we have a choice.. We can stand back as per our treaty and do nothing to interfere with eSpains plans and allow them to play out this war alone with Poland against the states...


We can break the treaty.. *try* to help the states.. Lose everything again for another year and be the property of whoever.. All in the name of the COT trial and a future "bromance"

I am worried that our gov will blindly go with option 2 and undo EVERYTHING that was done last month by Klop and the other cp's that worked towards freeing eCan the months prior.

I know it may be a false alarm but I need to put it out there.
To do ANYTHING in the next few days to put eCan into danger from being reoccupied will be a complete and utter failier in my books.
If we make ANY move to support the states I will call for an immediate impeachment vote for recklessly endangering our country.

We NEED an official response from our government NOW on this matter so eSpain knows where we stand.

DMV. Pick eCan and do the right thing here.
