[DoD] May Update - With 100% More Greeling!

Day 2,357, 19:46 Published in USA USA by dmjohnston

Mood Music: May the Fourth Be With You

Tomorrow, eAmerica will elect Molly Emma as our next POTUS. As expressed in her article earlier this week, I'll be serving as the Secretary of Defense. So here's a little taste of what's in store.

This last month, I've had the pleasure of working with rainy sunday and the rest of the merged USAF leadership. It is very important to all of us that the road forward is clearly outlined and well executed. Many of us are in agreement that the handling of this situation has been less than ideal, so we intend to nip that in the bud, so to speak.

Our first collective priority will be identifying and publishing a clear Chain of Command, along with identifying clear responsibilities for the members of that Chain. I'll be working with rainy to make sure we get it done right.

We'll also be ramping up our meta-gaming with a combined forum area, events, contests, and things like that.

My first personal project will be a taking a look at our finances and ensuring we are on par with where are budgetary spending should be. I anticipate an immediate reduction compared to the amount that has been requested for the last couple of months.

I'm also incredibly pleased to announce my deputy for this month. After a busy month as Supreme Overlord of America's Hat, Greeling has expressed interest in assisting in the DoD. Expect to see a lot of him this month as the DoD moves forward into the next stages of the new USAF.

I can't think of a better way to kick off a new month for the DoD than with more Greeling.

Let's make this a good month, USAF. If you have any suggestions or input on how things are going, please, feel free to leave them in the comments or direct them to me via PM. I can't guarantee I'm going to do what you ask, but I'll at least listen.

And so will Tom.

Keep up the fire,