[Dark Ages] Dioism and the Rising Sun

Day 1,014, 14:27 Published in Japan New Zealand by Marcos Arolia

(The previous editorial: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-editorial-the-dark-ages-jnp-part-1-1495658/1/20)

Welcome to another edition of Editorial Sunday(Monday for RL Asians). Last week, I began to speak of the beginnings of the Dark Ages. To those of you who think you understand the meaning of the title, I will explain it in more detail

Why do I use Dark Ages?

In RL European history, the Dark Ages were a period after the fall of the Roman Empire where culture and civilization essentially collapsed. This essentially took place throughout all of Asia beginning in BETA. From April-May 2008 to the present(East Asia finally escaped this period from October 2009 to June 2010), Asian culture and sovereignty had been crushed by ambitious, imperialist powers. Many of the countries had/have low population creating an environment where PTOs were not only viable, but consistently attempted in many nations. This period gives Asia the title of 'Longest-Suffering' continent of our New World. The few strong nations took advantage of their weak neighbors took advantage of this lack of strength to annex them into their growing empires.

This editorial set will describe in detail the history of Asia from BETA all the way to the ultimate expulsion of the Russians from Corea not that long ago. Now is the time, however, to answer comments from last week's editorial.


All praise: Thank you

Jewyoyo: I have attempted to sign up for Wiki, but I have yet to receive permission to do so.
Geno Garon: Lost history is a true waste. It leads to groups attempting to twist events into how they wish it to be.
GLaDOS: This will be discussed another time.


Dioism- The first religion of the New World. The object of worship is Dio Brando, described as the God-Emperor of Pakistan. They worship Sand to the point that their entire country is described as a desert, water is replaced by sand, and frozen water(Snow) is declared the enemy of Sand. In short, Dioists believe that Dio Brando created the New World and everything about it.
/v/akistan- Another term for Pakistan used by Dioists.
/v/akis- Used to describe the players that came from /v/, a part of 4Chan. They were the first Dioists.
Stardust Crusaders- The main party of Pakistan. It has remained a major party under different incarnations throughout its history.
/v/irginization- The conversion of a country into a Dioist nation.
300- The personal guard of Dio Brando during the BETA period. The main force of the Holy Empire of Pakistan.
United Lollies of Japan- The first major party in Japanese history. Founded by Wej and his friends.
Asian Alliance- Theoretical alliance between Asian nations. Appeared as cooperation between nations.
The Gang of 8- The original core of the Japanese Empire in BETA.


It is much easier to find information on the early history of the famous Holy Empire of Pakistan.
Many of Pakistan's BETA Giants still remain in this game to ask about past events. While much of it is true, some had turned out to be otherwise from my own research. A closer search of Japanese media has shed more light on the history of Japan.



Old Presidential Report and Nippon News Network will remain sources. The following are additions to Japanese Knowledge of its history

Loli Examiner
Neder News

Editorial 2- Dioism and the Rising Sun

At this point in East Asian history, there are now two powers in the region: the now Superpower Holy Empire of /v/akistan and the much weaker Japan. Both countries carried different philosophies which made them distinctive from one another. One was a nation declaring themselves as peaceful. They brought that 'peace' through conquest. The other was built by a group that desired to increase the power of their nation. It became one of the most peaceful of nations on eRepublik.


To understand the mentality of a BETA Pakistani(this applies to today as well), one must understand the religion which they profess to adhere to. Dioism is essentially the worship of Dio Brando as God-Emperor of all nations in the New World. Its holy book, The Book of Dio, is the ultimate scripture for the understanding of its early history. Much of it is myth, but some names used are real players in this game.


The second holy text, the Circles of Dio, is a narration from Dio Brando himself of the history before 'Pakistan.' This is not meant to be a literal, historical account, but a narration of the state of the world during this time.


The Trumpets of Dio, the final text, is an incomplete rendition of how the Dioists will believe the New World will end.


Main Dioism has two denominations, Yusufism and Lidoxa. Yusufism is centered on the martyrdom of Abdul Yusuf, and Lidoxa is centered on Phaedrus Lidox. Lidoxa has since become a religion in its own right. Other, more well-known groups based on Dioist thought are the Theocracy and SEES. There will be more on those groups in later articles.


It did not take long for the first /v/akis to vote in their leader Dio Brando as President of Pakistan. This began the very brief Republic of Pakistan period in its history. From VOTES FOR DIO!:

These westerners and their pathetic party system. They have no concept of how to win of they can't even win amongst them selves!

tl;dr people are already taking this game seriously. We are going to have so much goddamned fun it's going to be absholutely atroshous. I swear, our Hotel Moscow mentality is going to rape some shit up!


Pakistan's mentality throughout its history has been a collective, communistic view of the world. Their economy in BETA was developed using the tools of Central Planning and other methods in a RL Communist system. With the BETA economic rules, it was highly successful for those who were a part of the system. Heretics were excluded from the Pakistani prosperity.

Framax, who died in Japan by admin banning, was an early opponent of the Dioists, desiring to create a democratic system for Pakistan. She failed as the month of December was filled with a complete victory by the Stardust Crusaders. By January 5th, Stardust Crusaders had established the government of the Empire.

The beginning of the hatred of Sweden can be understood in a later article on Day 31

:With a burgeoning population of 1600+, Sweden has captured the spot as the most populous country in the world, ousting previous first place baby maker, Pakistan. The surge in Sweden's popularity has not yet been determined and no accusations of foul play have been made. The only explanation at this point is that Swedes are boring people who really enjoy an economic simulation community game and social networking site.

Pakistan-India War

Day 148 of the New World is the beginning of the Holy Empire of Pakistan. They declared war against India. The Dioists say that India agreed to this union, and, in this case, the evidence seems to point at them telling the truth. From -/v/oice:

Gentlemen, I love peace. I love peace!

I love... peace.

I love the sound of our feet marching upon the sand in a montonous and rythmic fashion.
I love when our sand-bombs devour the enemy and engulf them and their cities in peace.
I love hearing our guns shoot sand into our enemy, overwhelming them with the warmth of peace.

I love peace.

I love our tanks, our guns, the tactics and the plans.
I love attacking, defending, maneuvring, evading.
I love deceiving, cunningly planning, the delicious propoganda.


So tell me gentlemen, what do you want?

(If you do not realize what this is, it is from the anime Hellsing, a shortened speech from a Character known as the Major about his love for war)

By Day 153, India was annexed by Pakistan and would be as such until November 2008

We have now reached the point where the China-Pakistan War took place. For information on this, please see the previous editorial.


While Pakistan called themselves a shining beacon in the Darkness, the truth is that it is Japan that holds this title. As a nation, the eJapanese have always been a peaceful nation. The center of East Asian culture for much of the region's history, it would ultimately export that commodity as eChinese and eKorean v1 culture were similar to eJapanese society.

Loli FoodCorp

From Loli Examiner:

The Loli FoodCorp was actually the first step in mine and Wej's plan to take over Japan, in a good way of course. On December 18, 2007 we were sitting in our college class and our friend Joeb sent Wej an invite and not long after Wej told me to start playing and so he sent me an invite. For like the next 2 hours we were just surfing all over Erepublik.

We decided we wanted to make Japan a very powerful nation and we learned that food was the one thing everyone needed to survive. We planned on creating a food company for our first step in making Japan great. Even though we had just started playing only a couple hours before, we sent all our invites to any friends we could think of and told them to join Japan. Most accepted and by that night, the Loli FoodCorp was already created. We had a good laugh when we decided to bring the lolies to Erepublik.

The next step in our plan was to make enough money either from the company or more invites to start a political party. If we accomplished that, then we truly would be closer to ruling Japan.

The 8, players who joined from Day 28-30 of this World, began as friends in the Old World before entering this one. By successfully controlling the grain market with Loli FoodCorp, they managed to develop the players that they brought with them, taking control of the country from the Pro-Pakistani parties, beginning the Early Republic period in eJapanese history.

United Lollies of Japan(ULJ) was one of the longest running parties in eRepublik history. A ridiculous name, it brought results to Japan at a time when it required such work. Wej was the dominant political figure of this period, holding the Presidency from January 5-April 5. No Japanese politician would be as dominant in politics with the possible exception of Origineel.NL, who held the Presidency a record 4 times. Wej, like many of the Early BETA Presidents, held great power in his hands. His Party dominated politics and society.

Asian Alliance

In response to the European alliances growing in Europe, Wej brought together a few Asian nations(Russia was more focused on Asian contacts in Early BETA) to create an alliance of their own. From Old Presidential Report:

No AA (Asian Alliance) countries can declare war
- An AA country may not provoke war from another country.
- If a country declares war on an AA country, all AA countries must join the war.
- A country may leave the alliance at any time (Unless war is declared and no good reason is given not to join the war).
- A country that has left the alliance, or been banished from the AA, may only re-join if a new president is in charge of the country, and/or the countries parliament votes it.
- This must be voted upon by the countries parliament to join or leave the alliance.
- Countries outside of Asia are free to join the alliance, but the name of the Alliance will only change if more than two countries are not Asian.
- Members of the alliance will declare war upon the attacking country.
- Trade agreements with the attacking country will be nullified.
- A Declaration of War will be written into the Contracts section of the forum.
- All attacking country citizens will be eliminated from off-site forum membership. (this may or may not stay)
- This is specifically for a defensive type alliance. Neither Pakistan nor Sweden can get involved in these negotiations.
- If you have an alliance that causes you to brake any of these, i.e. Alliance with Sweden or Pakistan, you may not join.
- If you want to join the Northern Alliance, the current members will vote on whether you're in or not.
- You DO NOT have to be in Asia to join the alliance.

These were the criteria for this alliance. In an amazing irony, Iran and Indonesia, under the terms of this agreement, protected China from Pakistan's first attempt in conquering the country. While the idea was sound, it would fall apart due to political changes in Iran and Indonesia after the May Presidential Elections.

The months passed, and the end of Wej's third term was reached. No longer deciding to want the position, he did not run for a fourth term, allowing Yamato Suzuki to be elected to office.


Perhaps something not known about Japanese history is an offer from America to merge. From Nippon News Network:

Japan has taken a serious turn for the worst lately.
There’s no Japanese food, gifts, houses or moving tickets on the market, when we did a military report only 7 out of 117 citizens reported in and the need for companies and workers is getting quite serious.
The increase of Japanese citizens is small, too small. The only people living in eJapan are people with an interest for Japanese culture, and there’s no chance on real life Japanese people joining since they speak bad English and therefor don’t go on English sites.
We’ve gotten a very serious offer from the American government about a merge between the nations of Japan and the USA.
The deal is the admin merges the countries or that we join by declaring war on them.
Wether you’re already for or against this, please read through the entire article.

He goes on to speak about the American offer. Here are the comments:

lol join pakistan

arent you guys from the same site anyways

............................................ I would rather starve.

Japan succeeded in stabilization, but it took a war to do it.

Another event not known is the reasoning behind the first invasion of Korea. Continue😛

With this war I don't want to make a statement of any sort on the previous Sino-Japanese wars.
There is no main reason to this war other than; let's have some fun.
Lets remember that Erepublik is a game under beta development, and as beta-testers we're primarily here to beta-test the game and have fun.
This game is about war, and an invasion on South Korea will help us understand war in Erepublik a lot better. It will bring us the experience we need within war and help us understand and develop both offensive and defensive tactics.

South Korea has a supply on food that is much lower than ours, and their average strength isn't anything to brag about, but I still consider the country a challenge.
It might take long before South Korea is ours, but I do not think they have a chance in the long run.

In a later article after early BETA, more reasoning is include😛

The first day I entered office Pakistan declared war against China.
At the time we were close allies with China, but we wouldn't be able to defend China by ourselves.
At the last moment before the war was to begin we were ready to fight, but the Chinese president instead told us to break the MPP (it was possible to break them immedietly back then) and instead prepare ourselves for a possible invasion on our soil.
Eventually as Pakistan closed up to the Korean peninsula we pleaded to South Korea to ally with us and others so they don't fall to Pakistan. Instead our Korean ally ignored us, and in order to preserve Korea from Pakistan we occupied the country. With our MPPs, which Korea lacked, we were able to avoid Pakistan attacking us.
During this time Japan and Korea also faced a food crisis, and with the addition of a small amount of Korean workers we were able to improve the circumstances with more food productivity.

While President Suzuki began the war, he would not finish it. Instead, Origineel.NL, began as a Dutch player and still living in the Netherlands, would end the war with Korea's annexation.

With this article now completed, the early BETA story has now been told. From May to November, the period of East Asian history known as the Occupation began in earnest.

Next Week: [Dark Ages] The Occupation- Start

Marcos Arolia