[CW]Thank you to each and every eCanadian..

Day 2,107, 10:41 Published in Canada Canada by Oinyo

Good day everyone!

Just a huge thank you to everyone again for staying strong and proud these last 6 months and keeping eCanada active and stable 🙂

Thank you to all the players that stayed here at home and did everything they could to help.

Thank you to everyone that left eCan to try to help us externally. Either from within the states pushing them to help us. Or those that joined eSpain and eUk to wreck internal havoc within their political systems. A shout out to Dental Corps and Praetorian Guards for your massive efforts in freeing eCan!

As we start to get most of eCan back we can thank and welcome all our brothers and sisters back home. You will find that eCan is slightly different from before.

The wars of old have simmered down and those that have been deeply hated are now seen as fellow warriors that came out when called to help keep eCan alive.

As time goes by we will see the differences between the parties and their parties begin to take their toll until we go back into a state of party vs party wars. Until then however I ask that everyone step back and look at how we are now. Enjoy the peace and stability.. the unity that we are currently having and the progress we are making.

This is how eCan should be and stay. Our goals and energy should point towards our common enemy and our desire to become larger and stronger. To recruit more players into eCan and become a nation that grows and growls..

This is a cross roads we are currently at. Where we have infinate paths we can take moving forward. We can revert back to the old wars or we can find a common focus and sprint towards it. The choice is ours to make but we will be walking an extremely fragile line.. Old feelings die hard and we are a deeply scarred country.. My faith is in the people and the leaders. I know we can do it.

Again. Thank you all very much for everything you have done.
Without every single person doing their best we would not be rebounding as well as we are doing today.
I have said in the past many times.. ecan is full of great leaders.. You all have just proven my point.

Thank you
Party president of Clan Wolf