[CW] Thank you for your votes!

Day 2,127, 11:51 Published in Canada Canada by Oinyo

Thank you all for voting me in as your PP for Clan Wolf 🙂
It was a close vote this month showing that i need to further step up my game and progress the party further!

My goals for this month are to

1.Get us to 100 members
2.Get more vids and fun stuff out there
3.Get us more politically involved
4.Continue with the contests and free giveaways
5.Listen to what you would like to change and action those changes.

Please post here or mail me directly any suggestions or routes you would liek to see the party go 🙂

I want to make CW the most fun and active party in eCan and I need help more than ever to achieve this!

oh also.. Look forward to that vid tonight 😃 I will post it up in a new article!