[CW] Congress, Alliances and Impeachments..

Day 2,106, 07:22 Published in Canada Canada by Oinyo

Good day all!

I first would like to say a HUGE congrats to all parties for sticking in there all these months as we went without congress and land 🙂

Month after month we held out not budging to eSpain. Letting them know we would not sell out and that we were proud and strong! Finally we no longer have to put up with month after month without congress.

I would like to thank Klop for minimizing the amount we had to pay eSpain to give us some of our land back. As many of you are understandably upset (We could have sold out at the start and not go through all of this) Klop did make a choice he felt was right.

Was our pride and reputation worth our depleting numbers? Especially after the Plato tax change that threatened to tank us. That is up to each of you to decide but do keep in mind if we didnt sell out we would have continued the downward spiral.

That brings me to screen shot 1.

The Canadian Reform Party put out the first official vote.
To impeach Klop..

My assumption is Pat is not very happy with how things are going or choices that were made so we are getting this vote..

Odd that it came before a vote to lower the crippling taxes that have been punishing our workers 😛

Onto screen shot 2.

Finally it looks like Klop is getitng us out of ASGARD and placing us as free agent in the eWorld... Where will we end up? Who knows but now we have options and options are always good 🙂

Third Screen shot

A personal plug to congradulate Zianni and Wilfie in making congress for Clan Wolf this month!

And what is CW proposing?!?

Finally! lol now we can breath once again 😛

A huge congrats to you 2 and to every other party that won seats 🙂

Thank you all!