[CW] Come join the Clan! Erase your boredom!

Day 2,102, 11:45 Published in Canada Canada by Oinyo

Good day everyone

This is just a friendly notice that CW is exiting hibernation and is ready to jump back into the fire 🙂

Activity levels are increasing and we are starting the show with 2 movements.

Movement 1 is a recruiting spree!
Join us! We have all the fun people and cookies!
(Also.. You know.. Tank giveaways, contests, Stories, Jobs... Its hard to be bored here as we are always up to something 😛)

Movement 2 is to shake off the cob webs with a bang!

1. Recruiting players to the game will resume.. If you want in please let me know. I still have funds from donors to pass out to eager players wanting to help 🙂

2. Politics! Yes. Lets get those cob webs out of the political scene and see what is going on between the top 5 parties. Lets get those chats up and get some rivalries back on the table 🙂 Being peaceful for too long = boredom and lowered activity.. Expect that to end very very shortly.

3. Country wide contests. I am known for my giveaways and contests 😉 They will return very shortly.. Look for them 😉

So. Come join CW and hop on the train! I may not really have 1 solid direction but I can promise you a fun and active ride! Lets shake off these old cob webs that have been forming and get the activity back into the parties.

Oh.. also.. Vids will start to pop up once again 😉

PP of CW and your loving father