[CP] Weekend update

Day 2,182, 10:51 Published in Canada Canada by Oinyo

Good day all.

Just a Quick update on what is going on in the big office this weekend.

eNetherlands war

eNetherlands is declaring no NE currently. Once this passes we will declare peace with them and end the war.

New Gov department

eCan will now have an official department tasked with providing food to players level 1 to 29 that are in need. The department name is Service Canada.

This department will be created, run and managed by Wes under the Victory Bonds Canada org.
Please look forward to articles coming out soon for this! he is putting A LOT of work into it and I fully believe eCan will benefit greatly from it.

If you would like to see the progress please visit the GDoc Wes is working on http://goo.gl/6lqSjP

The First official article has also been posted and can be found here! http://goo.gl/Chm48W

eGov department status

Currently we have the MoFa and MoD departments running at full steam. You will see more articles coming out from these 2 departments utilizing the ORG's assigned to them.

The MoD department has a mail going with every MU leader in eCan to ensure that information is spread ASAP and DO's are standard across eCan as orders come in.

Please talk to your MU commander if you would like to see what is in this chat or if you would like more information about this.

Renting of our spare orgs
Currently we have a few spare ORG's within eCan. We are talking about the possibility of renting a few out to help fill eCans coffers and provide more funding for the government programs.

If this goes to pass and is then passed by congress it would be a month to month contract.

There are no further details as this is still in the discussion phases.


Talks have opened back up with eSpain.
Not much to report on at all atm other than we both have a great deal of respect for eachother and this shows through our conversation. We have shows we will not attack them nor assist others in attacking them. This has been acknowledged by them with positive response and continued talks.

Post to congress forums

Dear speaker

I would like to announce a new addition to the the new citizen joining system within eCan.
We will encourage citizen applicants to fill out a form so congress can be more informed when accepting people. This is not an attempt to control who congress accepts or does not accept, the sole purpose of the questionnaire is so that congress will have the option to be better informed on who are applying to get into eCanada. It is up to congress to take this further if they want to make it into something more, or not to.

The form for the applicants to fill out

The results for congress to look over and use to better assist in knowing who is applying for eCan citizenship and why.

Thank you
CP Oinyo
Thats it for now!

Thank you eCan
Your CP and cabinet