[CP] The results from the meeting with eSpain.

Day 2,186, 16:04 Published in Canada Canada by Oinyo

First I would like to thank everyone for their support.
The "Mob" has spent a lot of money and has put a lot of effort into tossing us back into a war with TWO.

A war that we cannot win and a war that would have ended eCan.
Please remember that the game is changing.. If we enter into a war we cannot win we will not only lose our land but we will lose all our taxes and funding to our enemy who will become stronger and stronger as we become weaker and weaker.

"Starting this week, countries will be able to collect taxes from occupied regions. The tax revenue is based on the number of regions a country possesses. More details will be published shortly, so stay tuned!"


The players that are risking not only our land but those we rent out to eNetherlands and eSwitzerland care nothing about you,me or our allies.

They are 100% in it for their own "fun" at the expense of everyone else. These are the players that will run to another country as soon as things start to fall apart.

Now onto the talk with eSpain itself.

It went incredibly well actually. eSpain has a very smart leadership and they understand that every country has its trolls and troublemakers. They are not only willing to bring back the NAP that a few select people have tried so desperately to destroy.. But they are also willing to continue the talks we started this month in regards to getting PEI back.

Here is the final screen shot of that chat


eSpain has shown a lot of honour and respect here.


The chat will however be posted on the open congress forums so that our diplomats have access to what was said and done as well as the outcome.

I would ask the public to please not support the players trying so desperately to destroy our country and to give them the cold shoulder. Let them fall to the side.

Also keep this in mind.
We were going to get PEI back diplomatically within days

I mentioned this in my previous articles and you can see it right here in the chat from the eSpain CP himself..

This attack hurt us tremendously and put a huge halt on us properly and safely getting our country back.

Thankfully we will have another chance to show the world we are not just a giant mob.. that we have morals, Honour and that we can be trusted to keep our word.

Thank you again
Your CP Oinyo