[CP] The linup for elections tomorrow

Day 2,052, 07:11 Published in Canada Canada by Oinyo

As my final act as CP I will give you the lineup of candidates for tomorrows elections. 🙂

For the Canadian Progressive Front we have

Wilhelm Gunter

As asked by the CPF please do NOT vote for this person.
The CPF supports Pat Harper and asks all supporters of the CPF to do the same.
*More info can be read here* http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-klop-an-apology-2285667/1/20

For Clan Wolf we have

Rolo Tahmasee

Rolo is eCans greatest hero and patriot.
2 Times CP, 26 time congress member and as loyal as they come.
Love him or hate him, you cannot deny that he bleeds for the country and does whatever it takes to try to improve us.

A man once greatly despised by me who has turned that around during his last CP role where he did a hell of a job in an impossible situation.

I am more than happy to jump off the pedestal to let Rolo on. A proven leader that is older than nearly everyone here and is one of the top contributors to the country in dmg.

Here is the final article posted from Rolo's last term as CP

For the Imperial Party of Canada we have


Jax is a new face in politics hungry to prove he has what it takes to lead the country out of this 6 month old mess.

Perhaps Jax is exactly what eCan needs. new blood at the wheel with new ideas and new directions.

Only time can tell..

Here is his most recent article

For the Canadian Reformation Party we have

Pat Harper

This article needs more Pat Harper! Everyone knows Pat. He is a man that injects himself into every article or video he can.

Active daily and with a large support pool Pat can be seen everywhere.

Don't let his silliness fool you though. He is dead serious about running this term and is hungry for action.


The man is doing his work and is showing he has the drive and the passion to take the lead and work with it. Will he be the new blood in politics that will free us? That choice is yours 🙂

For the Ukrainian party of eCanada we have

Another new comer to the political scene wmzMoney is here to show us what he can do.

I do not have any information for wmz as I do not really know him and without a newspaper or any Congress terms he is a mystery..

Good luck to all and be sure to do your best to end this 6 months occupation 🙂 7 is a lucky number that will hopefully mean freedom!

**Warning. As some parties are waiting for the final day before releasing their official candidate the above may change**

I ask to be quickly mailed if your candidate changes. I would like everyone to read up on who they would like to vote for before the day of elections.