[CP] Oinyo, A man, A term, A story

Day 2,050, 09:34 Published in Canada Canada by Oinyo

For everyone that seems to be shooting me down for some reason or another..

I want people to know I did not sit on my hands this month

No one that has not been in this spot knows the joy of it and how slow things actually go.
I am on every weekday from 8 am to 11 pm with 3-4 hours off inbetween and I gave myself weekends off.

Thats easily over 55 hours a week. More than a full time job.

The mail is easily over 50 - 80 a day to reply to as well as irc talks that go on for weeks at a time.

I started my daily logs only to be told by 100% of the people to stop as it was too much and to switch to weekly reports. This was done and I ended up seeing posts that I am not talking anymore.. :/

The expectations are unrealistic and everyone focuses on the negative while ignoring the positives that happened. This is 100% to be expected by anyone running for CP but it still is not something rewarding nor does it leave you happy.

I have gotten us more allies than we have ever had since I joined.
I gave us the option to join COT within my term and be seated with it. It was voted down by our population.

I got us closer to the states with a bold move that gained us a lot of respect.

I have brought countries to our side that we have never bothered to talk to before. One of these countries (Saudi Arabia) Put out more dmg for us than any country I have ever seen in our RW's

I tried the political way to get ecan Free and it failed. eSpain played a fun game with us watching us vote up THEIR proposal to us only yo then tell us no. They are afraid we would invade them if they gave us any land back?!? And then they cut off communications.

I tried the political way to get is into a stronger alliance so we could get more backing = It was voted down. Most of our population want to stick in ASGARD.

I tried multiple RW's they all got smashed. The first one was a disaster. We had a good amount of support and players buying merks. I myself put 75$ into the fight from ym credit card to buy mercs and we still couldnt win against a population that didnt spend a dime and had no outside support. The squashed us with just what they had and nothing more...

So.. I massed us allies. As many as I could. Power is in numbers and we are comfy in our 3 person alliance with few to little other friends. Well now we have many and we are getting a little closer each RW.

If you want to criticize me hop in the big chair and do better. This is what you need to do to further stengthen eCan. With the mass exodus we are seeing from parties and other players things are getting harder and harder. We need a strong leader to push us forward more and that could very well be you!

It seems I have been chosen to be the CW candidate for next month

What would happen if I win the next election?
Well I would only have 20 days as I am off to Meaford for military training near the end of the term.. So I will promise the following.

I will be a complete dictator.

I will not hold votes. The only people that will have a say in things is my cabinet.

We will join COT.

We will talk to eSpain and make a deal. If its rent. Well then its rent. If they want all our land but 3. Well we get 3 land.

My cabinet? It stays the same.

If you do not like these 2 facts then dont vote for me and vote for anyone else.
Because if I get voted in again these will be the only 2 things I work on. Nothing else will matter in that month other than maintaining relations with all of our new allies.

Thank you for the term.
I hope I did more good than bad in the time you have given me and good luck to the next person to sit in the chair 🙂
You will have a ton of allies and friends to work with now.. Use them but do not abuse them. We will need them if we have any chance to get eCan back
