[CP] It was an Honour to Serve You

Day 1,354, 00:06 Published in Australia Australia by H.Nelson

Dear eAustralians,

On the final day of the current presidential term I'm proud to announce that the goals we set for this short term have been achieved.

We managed to put eAustralia back on track after a long period of decline and showed how a good government is supposed to work. At the end of the day I'm glad to see that we have done our duty and paved the way for the next Government.

In regard to eNew Zealand and the training war that eventually turned into a full-out war I can safely say that with NT, QLD and Canterbury taken within a 24-hour period we taught them a lesson, i.e. do not ever consider messing around with our native land.

Now that we have achieved mutual respect we should make every effort to close this war within a reasonable timeframe and aim for peaceful cooperation. With new RW rules coming into effect and Tasmania being situated in a perfect location we might even earn some free gold while having fun in the process. However, there's one thing that needs to be improved and that is trust.

Before moving on to domestic affairs it is important to note that I have never seen so many people being online late at nights and early in the mornings in eAustralia. This term definitely brought the nation together, differences have been put aside and we've been pursuing a common goal, which is a lot more important than a series of triumphant battles over eNew Zealand. This is something the next government can build on and I'm convinced that with consensus and bipartisanship this nation will be able to carry on a path towards prosperity.

Now let's see in bullet points what the Cabinet have been up to during this short eight-day period.

Day 1

¤ Cabinet announced after the impeachment proposal passed
¤ MoFA report on the launch of the new term published by Garven Dreis
¤ Proposed MPP with eUSA
¤ Helping out our allies and preparing for a major attack on NSW
¤ The Department of Education is off to a flying start
¤ Government Update #1– Duties of the various Departments published by the Department of Information

Day 2

¤ Defending New South Wales
¤ Bulgarian MPP to be renewed
¤ Proposed MPP with Greece
¤ Minister of Education Flatty reaching out to newbies
¤ A quick CP update and a call for eAussies to fight in Queensland
¤ Government Update #2 by the Department of Information

Day 3

¤ Taking back New South Wales (DoD orders later changed to focus attention on NT)
¤ Government Update #3 by the Department of Information

Day 4

¤ Defending the Northern Territory
¤ The launch of 'Operation: Kill that Kiwi!' by the Department of Information
¤ The Bulgarian Ambassador is out to help us

Day 5

¤ eAustralia and her allies fought an epic battle for NT...
¤ ... and we eventually emerged as victor
¤ Improving communication between citizens and the Government – an initiative by the Minister of Education

Day 6

¤ Government Update #4 by the Department of Information
¤ Open letter to eAustralia's friends and allies
¤ Stepping on eNew Zealand native soil
¤ An historic victory in Canterbury
¤ An interview by dMoI Chris Carnage

Day 7

¤ Revised New citizen message accepted by Senate
¤ Marching towards Auckland
¤ Government Update #5 by the Department of Information

Day 8

¤ The very first Resistance War fought against Australia
¤ End of term cabinet report

Let me point out the fact that all these events and articles are just the final outcome of a massive amount of work carried out by members of my cabinet. All in all I believe there has been an unusual level of activity on the part of the government and it leaves me with one more task, to say thank you to

¤ Binda33 (dMoNSI)
for dealing with all the forum related stuff like sorting out the Aus citizen group and managing the Cabinet Room

¤ Chris Carnage (dMoI)
for tirelessly collecting information about measures by the cabinet that affect our daily life and for releasing regular government updates in comprehensive, easy-to-read and attractive articles

¤ Flatty (MoE)
for educating our newbies by publishing articles with a wide range of content and for being available virtually 24/7

¤ Garven Dreis (MoFA)
for all the hard work put into negotiating with foreign nations, organising MPP's to be renewed and for representing eAustralia on the international stage

¤ Henry the 8th (dMoD)
for being an important link between the DoD and militias

¤ K0llht0s (dMoFA)
for arranging the Greek MPP and some serious help from Greek militias during the victorious battle for Canterbury

¤ Majester (dPM)
for taking care of all government org passwords and for representing me on IRC making quick and right decisions

¤ Mark Brennan (MoNSI)
for taking care of in-game citizenship requests by handling the screening process of applicants

¤ Michael Windsor (dMoE)
for making it possible to reach every single newbie that registered in eAustralia and also for helping out at the DoD

¤ Mr Crumpets (MoI)
for the inspiring articles during wartime and for working out the details of the famous ‘Kill that Kiwi' campaign

¤ Tim_Holtz (MoD)
for providing me with accurate information on military affairs and for all the quick updates in DoD orders

¤ Venja (MoE)
for staying on top of our finances and for swiftly resolving all the budget-related issues the government faced

These are only my personal impressions, for a detailed checklist refer to our final cabinet report published by the Department of Information.

To conclude, I would like to once again thank eAustralia for being the fine nation that you are and thank our allies for being true friends in our time of need.

I salute you all, my friends. o7

Sincerely yours,

Prime Minister of Australia
14-time Senator for Queensland
8-time Party President
3-time Inspector General
Battle Hero in Eastern Cape
Resistance Hero of New South Wales
Commander of the Order of Australia