[CP] Imminent Attack by the eUSA

Day 3,773, 13:57 Published in Ireland Ireland by King Trito Fisher
Citizens of the Republic,

Our nation will soon be under attack by the eUSA. Before anything else, I must state that this unprovoked attack is unprecedented, as eIreland and the eUSA have had excellent relations for almost all of our history in the game. We will not forget this hostile aggression, and the Republic of eIreland will respond appropriately and repel this attack! I have faith that the citizens of the US did NOT want to be accomplices in this imperialistic attack on our country. On the contrary, I believe only that the Imperialists: Gnilraps et al., wanted a forced TW on or territories. Believe me, if the eUS government tells you that this is a "TW", believe the CP of eIreland when he says that is a lie!

War Plans:
1. DO NOT OPEN any more RW's with Peru! Allow Peru to attack our southwestern regions. We are to lose the RW in Dublin now!

2. Pay attention to the in-game feed, keep in mind that we are fighting AGAINST the USA and allowing Peru to win regions.

3. Prepare for War! This is real, and will require all our efforts to fight back and win.

We will be victorious!
-CP Trito Fisher