[CP] Greetings from Canterbury, eAustralia

Day 1,351, 06:11 Published in Australia Australia by H.Nelson

The beautiful Canterbury countryside

Dear Friends,

Once again it is a glorious night for eAustralia and once again we're here to thank everyone who took part in the victorious battle for Canterbury.

After yesterday's epic battle for the Northern Territory we successfully took advantage of the initiative and went on to conquer Canterbury as a countermeasure.

This victory is definitely another milestone for eAustralia since we not only took an iron region from eNew Zealand but managed to cut the rest of their regions off from Otago, which means they cannot capitalise on the resource bonus of a total number of three regions.

Congratulations to everyone on a flawless victory over eNew Zealand, a country that threatened eAustralia with complete annihilation the other day.


Prime Minister of Australia
Commander of the Order of Australia