[CP] Government Update

Day 3,765, 12:31 Published in Ireland Ireland by King Trito Fisher
Citizens of the Republic,

First of all, Congress and I have done two routine proposals: renewing MPPs with Turkey and Argentina. Also, I have just now submitted a proposal to congress regarding some minor changes to our Welcome Message that better reflects who we are as an eNation.

Original Text and Changes Made (bold):
Welcome to eRepublik!
Thank you for choosing eIreland as your new home. You will not regret your decision as you have joined a small tight-knit community which is one of the most unique and friendly there is to be found in this game. Your options in the game are endless, you can be an entrepreneur, a political figure, a respected journalist and even become the President of our glorious nation republic; most importantly though you can become the most vital citizen, a soldier, whose role is safeguarding eIreland’s national sovereignty.
(Space added between paragraphs for readability)
You can join any of the eIrish military units (MU), there will be people who are willing to help new citizens. The government MU is the Irish Army, but every MU is vital for our national security. We invite you to do your own research before deciding which political party and military unit suits you best. You can find a list of helpful resources in our library. All the best with your journey in the New World!

Lastly, my cabinet and I have engaged in some talks with eFrance regarding a so-called "Gentleman's War"; however, talks did not succeed. We still, however, wish the best for our French neighbors!

Do not worry, eIreland! I promised you a real war this term, and you're going to get it! To that end, I would ask you to please, if you can, donate food to the AS fund!

Thank you,
CP Trito Fisher