[CP] First presidential address

Day 1,852, 08:02 Published in Switzerland Bulgaria by NIKrumov

A lot has happened since my last article. With my great pleasure I’m happy to announce, that Switzerland is again holding presidency in CoT, along with South Korea.

We have proposed Lotus Black as our Supreme Commander (SC) and South Korea has proposed AlexFran, who has been SC last month also (originally Paraguay’s SC). I was nominated and re-elected as the Military Commander (MC). You can also read the official announcement of the new HQ in CoT for December. This is a great outcome as Switzerland is still an important and valuable member in CoT.

With the formation of TWO (The World is Ours) alliance. They have announced their creation on day 1839 and have been keeping busy. If you haven’t yet, I recommend you read the excellent article about them by our MoFA Hoffman12.

In local news, we have raised SWIDAH giveaways equal to 4800 energy (don’t forget to check my newspaper for SWIDAH articles). Every Swiss citizen can now always have enough food during these tough times.

Another important and useful piece of information is, that our Directorate of Embassies (DoE) has raised the offer for best weekly ambassador article to 2000 CHF and we are planning on raising it to 10 gold from next week. So take the chance and contact our DoE Trogdorthetroll100 and apply to be an Ambassador.

I would also like to thank the Cabinet members for their excellent work so far, especially LotusBlack,
Hoffman12, plasmakp and Trogdorthetroll100

For any additional information you can contact any of the cabinet members, send me an IGM or find me as TodorTotev on or #chukcha (Rizon server on IRC).

Best regards,