[CP] Canadian political Update (Day 2186)

Day 2,186, 08:40 Published in Canada Canada by Oinyo

This will be a quick update on the events that have just passed.

We have seen a large portion of a certain political party lash out at eSpain breaking their defenses and taking back NLFD.

As this has been done mid term and without thought or consideration we have started something into motion that could have big consequences.

One thing people did not consider is the fact that the USA government is working to become friends with eSpain. With us being in another conflict with eSpain only shows the eUSA we are unwilling to work with them in the future.



Also take into account the new system potentially being put into place where an occupying force will gain all taxes from land they own.


Due to this countries will most likely look for reasons to take land and hold it forever potentially squeezing the life out of a country. So it is very important to keep on good terms with those nations that surround us.

The actions by members of one political party in eCanada are short sighted to say the least. They have only succeeded because Spain is distracted with Portugal and US-AIM is hitting for us. Some may think this is a good opportunity to arbitrarily expel Spain from eCanada but those who think that need to lift their eyes to the future. Portugal has only been winning because they have been able to gather support from strong allies and capitalize on a split within TWO, not to mention Portugal had a strong shield to keep Spain at bay. Well folks that split in TWO is being sealed and there shield is near gone. From the look of the current battle Spain is beginning to push back Portugal, and they will push them back to 0 regions, for a long time.

Is this what you want for eCanada? To gain back four regions for awhile until Spain is done with ePortugal then comes back to us and takes all of are regions, and maybe the Swiss and eNetherlands as well? TWO is still around and until there is a major change then we should not alienate those countries that are right on our border.

The political party that is trying to gain political points and to stir up and ride the patriotic wave is acting selfishly, just as it acted selfishly in getting us wiped for 8 months to begin with.

It will be this current government that will save eCanada from the mess that has been created and not some troll party; we are working hard to keep our nation secure, which is contrary what certain others are doing. I urge eCanadians to act with caution and restraint in the coming days, we have waited as a nations for 8 months, lets not throw it away in 3.

We are meeting with the eSpainish government today to try keep eCanada and our friends on the map long term, something the opposition, which has been shown by their recent and past actions, cannot say they are doing.