[CP] An Explanation and St. Patrick's Day Competition

Day 3,767, 18:08 Published in Ireland Ireland by King Trito Fisher
Citizens of the Republic,

First I would like to offer a public explanation for the actions of one of our more dishonorable citizens. 30,000 in CO money and tanking against one of our strongest allies in a pseudo-TW battle that they have to win goes against everything that eIreland stands for. Rusty D should be ashamed of his actions. The eIrish government set today's Campaign of the Day and National MU DO FOR Croatia in Wales, but Rusty D saw fit to disobey his commander in chief, and moreover, to fight against one of this country's allies! Rusty D has also used his MU as a front to disrupt our TW, and I urge him to desist from pursuing such disruptive behavior in the future!

Now on to better news!

This Saturday is St. Patrick's Day, and to honor this wonderful holiday, the Irish government is going to hold a poetry competition!

To enter the competition, simply write a Limerick (poem) below in the comments! ANYONE in the whole eWorld can join in the fun! The Minister of Community and I will review the poems and award cash prizes to the winners!

1st Prize: 6000 CC
2nd Prize: 3000 CC
3rd Prize: 1000 CC

NOW get to writing those nonsensical verses! 🙂

Thank you,
CP Trito Fisher