[Black Sheep] Brothers in Arms Tournament Results!

Day 2,269, 10:57 Published in Netherlands Canada by Aries Prime

The Results

I took the liberty of creating a (very) simple chart to illustrate the ranks of each MU based on how they fared in the tournament. The points are divided by what place they achieved in each division. 1st place is 3 points, 2nd place 2 points, and 3rd place 1 point. Here are the results:

It is clear that Praetorian Guard swooped house with 1st place in each division giving them a total of 12 points. They have clear domination in this tournament with the large gap between them and the next highest ranking military unit.

Our 2nd place military unit is our very own Black Sheep. With only 4 members, 2 in D2 and 2 in D3, we managed to beat every other unit and secure 2nd place over all in this tournament. That’s damn impressive and really makes you wonder what’s going on with the other “established” military units.

In 3rd we get to NL navy. Although The Black Sheep beat them in the D3 competition, they do have an impressive D4 lineup which allowed them to secure 3rd place overall. They were neck and neck with Black Sheep for some time before they were overtaken, so they still have a fairly strong D3 armada.

In 4th we have Korps Mariniers. They really lived up to their purpose for D1 by securing 2nd place in that division, but they were unable to perform in any of the others. Actually, their commander Thanatos was tanking hard in D4 but it wasn’t enough to get them a spot.

The rest of the military units were scattered across various 3rd place positions. It’s a nice little bonus for them but compared to the 4 units above there isn’t much to talk about.

The Analysis

Praetorian Guard is hands down the best military unit to join. They receive the most winnings in this tournament and put out the most damage and firepower. Despite this, some feel averse to joining Praetorian Guard, so there are other options.

The Black Sheep is the 2nd best military unit to join overall and the 2nd best for D2 and D3. They have a different platform then Praetorian Guard which promotes more freedom and soldier independence. If they are able to gather up some of those soldiers that are averse to joining the top military unit, then they can certainly secure 2nd place in all divisions and perhaps challenge Praetorian Guard later on.

eNL Navy is fairly large and old military unit and the 3rd best to join overall. Despite their size and age, they are only able to secure a foothold in D4 with a 2nd place position. This does mean that they are the 2nd best unit to join for D4, but when looking at D2 and D3, The Black Sheep remains slightly superior with more rewards and positions. It is possible for them to beef up their D3 department but if The Black Sheep manages to recruit more members, it will be tough for eNL Navy to do any better.

Lastly we have Korps Mariniers. They secured 2nd place in the D1 competition making them 4th overall. Unfortunately I am declined to believe this ranking is simple smoke on the water. D1 is a very volatile division and it is hard to say if a military unit can maintain this position and advance those troops as strong fighters to the next divisions. At the very least they live up to their purpose by housing some of our newest fighters.

Special Shoutouts

Geondor - D2
Nomadic - D3

If you caught what I stated before, then you will realize we at The Black Sheep managed to secure 2nd place overall with 4 members. Geondor managed to secure 2nd place in D2 almost single-handedly with some support from GeneralDutch. In D3 Nomadic and I tanked hard and raised us above eNL Navy, proving that even with so few members we could beat older military units.

The results and analysis of this tournament are a good guide for those of you looking to join a new MU or have been skeptical about the one you are currently in. I realize I’m a bit biased towards my own unit but hey, I did make the article 🙂. Good luck to all the military units and may the next tournament be even more exciting.


Aries Prime