Day 1,270, 16:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gambit8

Hello Readers!

Today is a very good day as I'm able to actually write an article without lag! WOOOO!!!!! It's been a very exciting few days I have to say.

Let's first of all start off in the Balkans. A very boring topic I have to say as the Balkan wars just get old after a while but today is very special in the Balkans as all the sad acts of the game have joined together in one place to do a mind exploding amount of damage!
The Battle Hero (BH) of the FIRST BATTLE did a grand total of 5 million damage.

Bosnia and Herzegovina have RW'd their region and have now being re-united while Croatia and Bulgaria continue to bombard Serbia. Although at the moment as I predicted it's come down to Serbia's final region in which each country will have to wait their turn. What I didn't predict was that Serbia would actually struggle while hitting each country one by one.
The first battle of Vojvodina was the hardest that Serbia will probably have to face for many reasons.
1) Everyone will have the campaign all hyped up and everyone will put all their influence in the first battle until only the tanks are really left for the second battle.
2) The Balkan countries are now moving our of prime time - if they haven't already
3) Less people fighting means Serbia stand a better chance as they have a much larger population so for every 1 Croat fighting there may be 3 Serbs whereas in prime time there would be so many people fighting on each side it'd hardly make a difference. In addition to this, Serbia are still statistically the best country in the world with 10 million more experience than second placed Poland on 25 million experience (Or at least last time I checked, the ranking have messed up since then. Switzerland were 9th yesterday with 0 experience. ?????????????)

Ukraine have attacked Turkey despite almost certainly getting completely owned.
Turkey are currently winning 1 battle to zero and are currently winning the ongoing battle. There has been a hell of a lot of damage in this battle already so even though Turkey are winning by quite a lot, Ukraine are still putting in an applaudable amount of damage.

USA are winning in the Spanish Resistance war in Cantabria so Spain are unable to reconnect their regions although Spain are winning in the war in Basque Country and if they can win this then they may be able to carry this to go on the offensive and reconnect their regions.
USA now own a total of four regions in Spain now.
Brazil have also proposed Spain as a natural enemy so Spain could have more trouble by tomorrow on Canary Islands.

Romania have finally reached the Hungarian homelands after regaining all of their regions for the first time in a while although Hungary are winning easily in their home territory and don't look as if they'll ever back down, and that is as much as you'd expect really and it could turn out to be a stalemate or it could turn out with Romania suddenly giving way again and retreating many regions for them to regain them back again in a vicious cycle.

Germany have started a resistance war in North Rhine but Poland are absolutely slaughtering them, maybe this resistance war was completely unexpected and so no damage is being put into it or Germany have been fighting for allies today. (Dublin)
Germany have been proposed as a NE by Poland however so even though there have been peace talks with Germany and France it's become quite clear from comments that Germany aren't having any of it. And I respect that, it's in a sense what UK did, its better be attacked then be treated like a puppet and with a peace deal with Poland, Germany would be in a way, Poland's b@itch. (Admins can be quite harsh, not risking it 😉 )

Russia are once again getting Latvia and Estonia on their time-zone advantage but Estonia are staying strong whereas Latvia hasn't performed much today which is understandable under the circumstances.
I believe is Lithuania open a war with Russia things could turn out differently for the great ABC alliance.

Austria are getting pretty much owned by Slovakia which is disappointing as I expected them to do a whole lot better than they are doing at the moment, the move they've made is to sign an MPP with Germany which is pretty useless as they are now busy but Germans are great fighters but with the Polish war arriving I can't see Austria gaining much advantage from this MPP.

The Irish made the UK their NE but made USA and Brazil their MPP at the same time, so UK fought for Ireland and retreated from Wales making Ireland waste much gold. The UK planned to do the same thing except since Ireland started to win again they voted it down and so UK won in Wales and West Midlands and attacked Dublin.

The UK feel pretty betrayed by the USA and Brazil as we helped them greatly. Alfagrem if I remember correctly started a resistance war in Northern Brazil and 7th armoured practically won that single-handedly when Brazil was being attacked by Poland not only this but on the same day New Jersey was also getting a resistance war going against Poland as well and Alfagrem was also taking there.
When Spain was attacking Brazil the UK helped a lot. Many Brits became battle hero and as soon as we left Terra/EDEN practically branded us as a traitor.
Leaving Terra was not an act of hostility, I've said this before and sometimes things have to be repeated y'know. This was a way to re-strengthen our relationships with our alliances. Countries from Terra/EDEN and ONE alike.
Unfortunately Brazil and USA didn't remember our damage we did in their name. All they noticed was one less country sucking their d@ck and they didn't like it 😛

Brazil remain cool however and we still like the Brazilians that don't hate us.

Back on topic, UK have taken Dublin and Canada are now proposing the UK as a natural enemy which isn't surprising to be fair but I think UK could take them as well.

We'd also like to thank the brilliant countries that helped us. Serbia, Turkey, Japan, Lithuania, Slovenia, Germany even some Brazilians still and Macedonia! You guys are brilliant and we thank you ever so much and we'll try our hardest to repay the favour sometime.

Argentina rejected our MPP one the plain fact that we have one with New Zealand which they are currently attacking so if they had signed the MPP then they'd have lost it straight away so there was hardly any point in signing it anyway.
New Zealand also have a battle open with Chile so things aren't going too well for them to say the least.

While I've been writing Brazil have opened a battle with Spain so I'll come back to them again.
Brazil are pretty much pwning Spain at the moment which doesn't come as a shock as they have business against the USA to finish.

Indonesia have also been kicked out of South Africa as Colombia have started a resistance war and beaten Indonesia which means they now have two regions to play around with.

Indonesia have proposed Taiwan as a natural enemy and I think Taiwan are pretty scared, according to our ambassador he's had to calm them, compose them and I think Taiwan are ready for battle.
USA hate Indonesia and will probably want to join in if they are able to and China have an MPP with Taiwan and there is friction there too so it could end up to be an even match especially as it'll be a 1v2 (Indo vs. China + Taiwan) because the rest of the alliance are very busy elsewhere.

Mexico are down to just two regions now and this is the point in which last time Mexico bounced back so anything could happen still.

Egypt now have an MPP with Cyprus (Turkey) and tanks are really starting to go for it in the current campaign in Al Madinha which is a Saudi Arabian home-region owned by the Greeks. Egypt are losing the campaign but could still bounce back yet.

I think it's about time France withdrew from Terra. I feel as if the UK are losing it's almost brother-like alliance that it's had since this game began. We've not had our MPP for a long time now and we are practically fighting each other in the Balkans as we fight for Serbia and they fight for Croatia.
Or we should at least regain our MPP to make a start on rebuilding what we lost. We haven't really lost relations in terms of the countries itself and what the presidents think but I'm sure the people are starting to doubt things or if your like me I miss having us fight side by side with the French.

Thanks for reading, leave feedback and what not. blah blah blah, you know the drill 😉