#43 War with Ireland

Day 1,267, 16:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gambit8

Hello Readers!

Yes that's right, I'm very mad.
But we'll come onto that later on, first of all, I must put my rage aside and get on with some news. 😛

Depici hates Bulgaria and is putting in around 10 million damage against them and it's even fighting for Turkey.
But, even with all his damage Serbia are losing the current mini-battle and ever since Serbia lost Belgrade, they've started to go seriously downhill as no doubt many people are stranded. But either way, Serbia aren't putting in the damage we are used to seeing these days.

Is Bulgaria and Croatia win their battles then Serbia will be down to just 3 regions as Croatia are attacking the region on Raska in which Croatia are winning. It seems quite funny that ever since UK turned their attention to Lithuania, Serbia have began to lose more battles. UK are trying to help as many allies as possible, but it's impossible to help in two major wars, but we do stay loyal to our friends in Serbia but there is only so much we can do before we are forced to help another ally. To be fair I can't think of any reason why a country would like to betray a country like the UK that sticks with their allies no matter what alliance they are part of. Can you think of any reason Brazil? No? How about you then USA? No, I can't think of any reasons either. Huh, funny that....

France only need to win one more battle before they are united again and close the war with Poland. Although of course, Poland are letting them gain their regions back but it's always nice to see a country united again no matter how they did it.
I'm sure all the Brits are still awaiting the French MPP proposal. Artela has made it her priority in terms of new MPPs being forged but nothing has happened just yet. I do hope by the end of the week however that we have got our French MPP back.

The Neutral countries of Austria and Slovakia are at war and Slovakia are winning by miles, but this is only because of their MPP advantage. They have a Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, Macedonia and Serbia MPP while Austria only have a Slovenian MPP. Now, I would expect Austria to be more to the ONE side of things but Slovakia has many ONE allies which is unusual since Slovenia aren't massive fans of Slovakia themselves.

Poland are at war with Netherlands their resistance wars were hard enough and it took them a few months to reunite themselves and now Poland are destroying all their hard work.
Poland are only there for the oil and is the same reason why they didn't give the German region of Lower Saxony and Bremen back.

USA and Spain are going hammer and tongs and will probably continue to do so as Spain are desperate not to let USA get them on the backfoot and disconnect their regions whereas the US don't want Spain to let history repeat itself and get them back in their homelands.
Although to be fair, I want Spain to win after the US' act with Ireland.

Italy regained Liguaria back off Slovenia and are now under attack by Macedonia. Now I'm not sure if this was planned or not as Macedonia really really wanted Liguaria to connect regions to their capital and Italy decided to liberate that region? It does seem a bit dodgy. Maybe Italy just thought it would be easier to liberate regions off one country rather than two. But either way, it's worked out well for Macedonia as they are getting more resource bonuses.

Estonia and Latvia lost all their battles against Russia, and again. Very very harsh. Time-zone was again played to Russia's advantage and again Estonia and Latvia did all the hard work and Russia nick it at the end. In fact, I'm annoyed for them because I know what the feeling is like to be honest and it's not nice to get something ripped away from you like that. And although Latvia and Estonia didn't win that many mini-battles in that battle but when they did win some they were winning pretty well too, it seemed like Latvia and Estonia were going to walk away with it at the beginning. Maybe they just outdid themselves, they've just to recompose and get back in the game. If it weren't for China, ABC could be putting up a much better fight against the Russians.

Storytime: Last year the UK got Valhalla!! They had taken the whole of Norway and everybody was pretty much having a violent orgasm. We all woke up the next day to find Norway had all their regions back!! This was because the admins believed the UK had PTO'd Norway and made an easy victory for the UK. To this day I'm not sure if the PTO claims were correct but many believe that it wasn't. If I remember correctly, the prime minister at the time was GLaDOS.

Lithuania however are beating Ukraine and I did fight today in Lithuania but I'm running our of money thanks to the high wages so I could only go with one Q5 weapon today 🙁
I still did around 2,000 influence overall, which some people would laugh at but I don't care, to me, that is good. 😃

Margaret H Thatcher is owning everything early on in the 9th Battle for Dainavia but the battle could easily turn around like it did with Latvia and Lithuania but I personally don't see that happening.

Belgium are attacking the Netherlands, but don't interpret this as a proper war. Belgium are allies with Netherlands and this is just to save Dutch regions from Poland so when the war closes Netherlands can liberate one with ease and get back on their feet quickly.

Ireland have accepted their natural enemy to be the United Kingdom, whereas the UK have rejected Ireland beforehand. Therefore Ireland will automatically attack the UK, but if the battle starts before Brazilian and USA MPPs are signed then Ireland will not lose the MPPs.
I'm not totally sure what would happen if an MPP is signed during a battle, maybe someone could shed some light on that in the comments below.

If Ireland do lose their MPPs then I'm pretty sure everybody will be laughing so hard just for the plain fact that Ireland cannot afford to have as many MPPs as they currently have, so they are asking citizens from all countries (not just their own) to give them charity in order to afford more MPPs so losing one if hilarious but also quite harsh at the same time.

Now I've gone and collected some data on population as everybody is ranting and raving about how the UK is falling in population and whatever. So every 10 days I'll collect a new set of data on how a country's population is.
So the first graph shows the Polish fall in population:

The Second one shows the fall and then rise in the UK population. The Cypriot rise in population. The Iranian fall in population and I'm not sure if you can see it but there is a ever so slight fall in population in both Ireland and France:

I've also collected data on the membership count in UK parties. I'm an ESO member and you can see the rise in members over the last month. Since The Grump became Party President our party has gone from 52 to 95 which is incredible.

I also apologise for the American dates, I was using Google Documents and Google is American ¬¬

The colours aren't very clear either. Again, Google's fault, not mine so I hope you can all see it fine. I can see it great on google docs but on here the colours seem to blend into each other which is kind of stupid really.
Edit: Fixed that problem. I had to print screen as google saved graphs wouldn't let me see the lines. Which is why the colours were weird.

I'm also doing a population graph for the alliances. And even though Iran and Slovenia don't count as ONE members, ONE are still winning by far and are staying strong.
I also have a graph on Experience/Average Experience, and the figures actually surprised me as some of the larger countries had such a small average experience that even the UK was beating!
Unfortunately the rankings have buggered up over the last few days and the experience points for countries is broken.

If you've looked on the map recently you may have been shocked on how fast Turkey are getting their regions back but if you look down a bit you may have also found that Greece have attacked Egypt and not only this but won pretty easily in each battle. They've reconnected their regions to their capital and are ready to wipe Egypt despite losing against Turkey which makes this a very unusual move.
Maybe they have a plan, who knows? I'll try and look into it for next time, although I've been busy. Colonel in the British Army, work to do for my Party and revision for exams. It's crazy at the moment which is why I've not been able to do articles as frequently as I'd like. I do try my best to bring you guys news everyday but things keep getting in the way. So sorry about that.

Anyway, back on topic. - Because of Egypt's war Saudi Arabia have been able to sneak in a resistance war which I personally didn't notice. I just went on the world map one day and BAM! There was some lovely green on the map.

Nothing interesting has happened else in the world lately as everything has been centred on Europe. Just a quick update with America as they've taken Valley of Mexico, the capital and Australia are pretty even against Indonesia in Queensland. Then Crimson dudes are in there pwning everything too.

Quick Fact: Around half of Africa's land mass is English-Speaking because of the British Empire. One country in particular that is practically full English speaking is the small country of Gambia. I researched Gambia in year 9 (Age 14) for our Humanities topic, we had to pick a country and do research and whatever. And I did Gambia, for obvious reason (Check my name) and I have to say, they've got a lovely airport, it looks brilliant. I want to go there one day.

Okay, why am I mad?
Well just check this.

So in response I posted this.

The original idea was so much better and the reason why they changed it is because people thought they couldn't have a rubber company if their country didn't have a rubber resource. This is incorrect and is not the people's fault why they were moaning. It is Plato's fault for not giving a proper announcement. He's always to vague, not answering questions properly. Or when he does, he answers the question and his answer raises more questions as his answer is too complicated. And then Plato will keep postponing stuff and whatever. It's just so confusing!!!
I'm also angry about Brazil and the US. Many many people fought for Brazil against Poland, and now Brazil are siding with a country with a Polish MPP against the country who helped them. Alfagrem put in so much damage it was untrue just to liberate Brazilian regions. USA, again. Same sort of story there too. It's a disgrace.