#42 Poland's Change of Heart

Day 1,265, 15:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gambit8

Hello Readers!

Okay lets start off with the nice Polish love story 😃

France and Germany are trying to leave the Terra alliance since there is no reason for them to be there anymore as not only have the UK left (Their #1 ally and because of UK's neutrality UK have lost the French MPP) but also for the same reason as UK left, they are puppets of USA and/or Brazil.

France and Germany, our favourite allies are seeking neutrality like us in search of MPPs from both alliances, but most of all, to pick their own friends.

Because of their strive for neutrality Poland have decided to make a deal. France and Germany are to become neutral and in return they get their regions back.
Poland thinks this is good for them as Poland believe that France and Germany are too strong now and they think it's time to back off as it's not profitable.
Macedonia was also a threat to France and I think once they become neutral Macedonia will strike and MPP with them too.

Now, Poland will want a few Iron regions at what not because their home-regions are limited to only bonuses in the food industry so it very very likely Poland will attack Ukraine as this will kill 2 birds with one stone since not only will they be helping ONE but they'll be also fulfilling their economic needs.

It's great to see countries that have been in conflict for as long as I can remember to put the past behind them and go on from there.

France are currently attacking North Calais and will probably win leaving just two more regions before France are again united.

USA won in Cantabria securing their region, but Spain have opened a resistance war almost straight away but it was a decision based on hope and urgency rather than actually believing they stood a chance, because the time-zone difference would always favour the US.

Macedonia have opened a war with Switzerland which is a kick in the crotch really, a proper cheap shot on a small nation but it's just taking advantage of a situation, although Macedonia wouldn't actually gain anything from this as the region will not be connected to their capital and Slovenia will not want to give up their only fish region in a rush.

Lithuania are attacking Ukraine and are currently losing, but only just, it's pretty much even though. And if they are able to win this battle and their resistance war, as well as Belarus winning their resistance war then the Ukraine war will be closed.

Estonia are also kicking the sugar out of Russia as they remain to be the only Baltic nation not to lose a home-region region in the EDEN invasion.

Sweden lost against China although they are winning in their resistance war and if they can go on to take Lapland if they are able to fend of a Chinese attack then the war will close and I'm sure Sweden will reopen the war with Russia unless they want to pick off Finland instead.

Greece have opened a war with Egypt which is rather curious as they have just lost a few region to Turkey. It does make sense to reconnect their Arabic regions but it doesn't make sense to do it now.

India, South Korea and Israel are all looking to join EDEN or at least better their relations with the alliance. I'm not sure why they would want to do this. Although Israel are being attacked by Iran so that'd make sense but the other two I'd of expected to want to remain neutral as joining ONE would be dangerous and becoming EDEN will mean less Chinese region although I think South Korea and China have an agreement, but I'm not completely sure.

Well since Germany and France are becoming neutral and Poland want to better relations with them then it would make sense to Spain to not hate France so much anymore and it got me thinking on how awesome a Western European alliance would be. Spain, UK, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany and Poland. C'mom, we'd pretty much own.
Neutrality is pretty cool since we can finally pick our own allies and a short but sweet discussion with Artela just made me think that even more as we were talking about who we should MPP, but if we were in Terra we'd be talking about who did USA ask us to make an MPP with.
Our Russian MPP will run out in a matter of hours and will open the opportunity to create an MPP with Latvia or Estonia, although according to Artela, we're sticking with Lithuania for now, which is very understandable.

Our top priority is to recreate our French MPP.

I've been thinking for a while now and one day, maybe a year or so, I plan on moving to Estonia. I want to reach a decent rank in the military in the UK and once I've done pretty much all I'm able to do I would like to move to Estonia. Although it's not exactly the near future it's always good to plan ahead 😉
Why Estonia? Well I dunno to be fair, they seem to be cool and all the Baltic nations have awesome flags. They use a mix of unusual colours. I can't explain it. 😛
And of course they are still in Europe so close to home but also it'd be pretty fun. The only drawback would be me not understanding Estonian and I'd feel a bit rude not knowing their language, but maybe I'd learn a few words while I'm there 😃
As I said though, not soon, of course. But maybe a year or two in the future unless of course the admins ruin the game much more.

Quick Fact: I gained to the rank of Captain today and got a chocolate bar which gave me 100 health, but because of gaining the rank of captain I also completed a mission, giving me rank points and gaining another rank so I GOT ANOTHER CHOCOLATE BAR so that's a total of 500 health I could use today and I did a total of 5,000 influence which most of you would be like pffffft I could do that in my sleep but to be 5K is a big achievement.

Thanks for reading, leave feedback and whatever. I know that was a rubbish quick fact but I'm doing this article in a BIG rush.