#41 War Update For You!!

Day 1,264, 14:35 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gambit8

Hello Readers!!!!!!

Sorry about not writing an article yesterday but something amazing happened. I GOT PROMOTED TO COLONEL!! So I had to have time to adjust, catch up on people being inactive and just generally people being douches 😛
But it's all cool now and it's time to have a nice relaxing read with some mildly humorous pictures and maybe a Jedi or two.

Lets start of with some ABC news.
Over the last few days Latvia and Lithuania have been pretty much owned whereas Estonia have managed to hold on 😛

Latvia are down to their last 2 regions and since Russia are still winning in the current battle it'll seem as if they'll be down to their very last region soon.
However in Lithuania they are winning!!! In the last few battles there have been a few Brits, Turks, Estonians, Latvians, Polish on the scoreboards and I'm sure they are thankful for the help. Artela is the current battle hero for Lithuania in this mini-battle but it seems both teams have had enough as they've both stopped fighting although Lithuania are far in-front with one more mini-battle to win and secure their region. This will also buy some time to concentrate on resistance wars as they know Ukraine will be on the backfoot soon.

Estonia lost in Southern Finland and I have to say, that battle was very unfair. Estonia had won 6 battles, done all the hard work then BAM! Russia won 8 in a row. Estonia are no doubt annoyed about that and it is hard to try and get time-zone advantage over Russia because they have many different time-zones in their country but maybe next time Estonia will figure out a way around that problem because no doubt the problem was time-zone in Southern Finland.

USA are winning in Cantabria and since they lost Castilla y Leon and almost lost Galicia they'll be wanting to turn it around since they don't want Spain to be in their homelands again after last time and USA have tried hard to get into Europe and they will be desperate to stay there.

Turkey are winning in Central Anatolia and in their capital. This might be just good defending like most countries do when an enemy arrives at their capital but it could also be the turning of the tides. The same trick Greece pulled off against Turkey no longer than a fortnight ago.

Bosnia and Herzegovina are back on the map after the Serbs wiped them, but since Croatia gained a Serbian region they gave it back to Bosnia.
However, since then Croatia have been on the backfoot and are now defending their own region of Slavonia and are defending Western Serbia in a resistance war. In about an hour you'll see Slavonia under Serbian control, and since Serbia are losing badly in their resistance war I'm assuming it was just half-hearted and mainly to spread Croatian damage.

France have gained 2 regions back from Poland and will probably gain Picardy if they continue the way they are going, although I think Poland are letting France gain their regions back since the Polish attack was purely to stop the Macedonia - France war.
I'm not totally sure what's going on there and why Poland were helping France but I think now they are just fighting for NE bonuses so Poland gain something even though they are retreating.

Sweden are beating China and if Finland can win their resistance war, which it looks as if they won't then the Sweden - China war will be closed and they can get back into Finland and then Russia if they are successful.

Vidin was secured by Bulgaria and are back on the offensive, although by the time Bulgaria are to attack Serbia will have no battles and can time when they attack to give them a better shot at winning both.

United Kingdom have proposed Ireland as a natural enemy and it looks like this one could finally go through and be accepted. I certainly hope so as we need a good war to be fair and some resources.
I have nothing against the Irish in any way like a lot of the people in the eUK have but my opinion on the whole this is that the UK needs to get stronger and gain more population, one way to do that is to own more regions, we also need to get a few fruit regions for the new resources, again, we need a fruit region. Ireland is the only target since we are allies with Belgium, Netherlands and France and it's not in our best interest to be attacking Sweden or the US.

South Africa have conquered a region from Brazil which is unexpected. They did secure a region beforehand but it seems weird how Brazil could suddenly lose 2 battles on the trot.

Although speaking of the Brazil situation, the same thing happened to USA against Mexico as they just suddenly took a few regions out of nowhere.
USA could have got a little sloppy or they were just distracted with Spain, either way USA are on the offensive again, but they've just made life more difficult for themselves because they were oh so close to wiping Mexico and closing a war but now they have to try that bit harder to get back to where they were.

Iran have finally taken Al Jawf and are attacking South District of the holy Israel but Israel will win this battle and this war is probably the biggest challenge they've had to face for a while now excluding the China - Iran training war.

I've got that damn leekspin in my head ¬¬ Sad time/Good times. So addictive, yet annoying and also good at the same time!

Where is says 'which is your branch of preference' select British Army. BECAUSE WE ARE AWESOME AND MANLY!!!!! RAWRRRRR!!!!

Quick Fact: Although the government seems to have control on what the UK Armed Forces do, it is always the Monarch that has the final say.

Thanks for reading, leave feedback and if you have any more info then it's always appreciated. 😃