#40 It Appears to be my 40th Article

Day 1,262, 14:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gambit8

Hello Readers!
Hope everybody had a nice Star Wars day yesterday.
And because of this I'm going to send you a few videos

This one is the best.
But of course you just listen to this during the course of reading this article.

Here is Europe there are wars left, right and centre. Well actually, to be fair it's all pretty quiet at the moment. Not many wars going on anywhere. 😛

We start off in Greece where they have won another battle in Turkey which means they are just three battle away from wiping them again. But Turkey still have time to bounce back like Greece did when they were left with just two regions.

Serbia are minutes away from regaining Southern Serbia from Bulgaria after huge support from Hungary and Poland. The battle with Bosnia and Herzegovina and Romania have closed because Romania have no border with Serbia and Bosnia have been wiped by Serbia. Two down, two to go.
Serbia have done amazingly well, we all knew they'd get through this but we didn't think they'd actually keep practically the same amount of regions as they started with. If 3 of the best....and Bosnia can't take down Serbia then nobody can.

I'm not sure what is so special about Baden Wurttemberg but this is the second time Germany have tries to liberate it and Germany are close this time but it looks as if Poland might just nick it. As Poland are winning 8-7 mini-battles.

Also in a few minutes Macedonia will gain Eastern Macedonia back off Bulgaria and will be their first successful resistance since they got wiped by Bulgaria.

Estonia are beating Russia and will be the only ABC country not to lose a home-region during the EDEN invasion of their alliance. It's unclear what the ABC tactics will be now since there is little they can do especially since the Chinese intervention which is very very unfortunate for them, although ABC were lucky that Sweden got involved anyway.

China have gained the Swedish capital of Norrland and since China don't lose it'll be hard to regain a foothold although if Sweden can secure a region while making a resistance war then they may be able to get rid of the border as Russia are likely to win in Northern Russia leaving two regions in Scandinavia with no connection so if them two regions were to become under control of Sweden then the war will be over and they'll be able to concentrate on Russia, although the Russia - Sweden war is also over so they'll have to restart that unless they want to take on Finland instead.

Slovenia are itching to get a war going of their own, just like us as they have proposed both Italy and Croatia as a natural enemy in five days. Both of which were rejected however but since it's election day they may go to war within the next few days.

Australia have done the unexpected and won a battle in Queensland securing their region, Queensland is their only region left and it's a rare rubber region so it's valuable to them, they'll now have chance to push the Indonesian forces back with a few resistance wars if they are able to but maybe it's just a fluke that they won, a one off, but you never know.

Peru have once again been wiped. Peru were attacking Argentina so Brazil opened a war with them and took their region while their forces were spread out, it was a quick, easy win for the Brazilians and it was practically a free region which they couldn't resist to take not to mention the resource is oil which will do wonders since they lacked one of those.

South Africa are down to their final region and don't think Brazil will have any trouble taking that. Hopefully Brazil will attack Canary Island after though, we've long awaited their return to Europe.

Quick Fact: You're awesome.

Thanks for reading, leave feedback and any comments with additional info if you have any. 😃