#39 That Time Again!

Day 1,261, 14:34 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gambit8

Hello Readers!

That's right, I'm back with the news rather than my political mojo.

The USA have surrounded the Spanish capital of Asturais and the USA will have to not slip up now and should really start to gain the regions behind it so if the Spanish to gain a region back it won't reconnect their capital with the majority of their regions but to do that the USA need to conquer another 5 regions.
This is a big step by EDEN/Terra and the US have done what they have been trying to do for a while now.

Bosnia are down to their last region with Serbia on the offensive again against them and even with four countries attacking Serbia they can still win battles.
Romania secured their region and they are attacking Eastern Serbia although Hungary are trying to block Romania off by taking Oltena which in turn will end the war between them two countries and will give Serbia a tab more breathing space.

Croatia have conquered another Serbian region, however Serbia have started a resistance war against Croatia and so have Montenegro to push their forces back a little bit more.
Serbia have also started a resistance war against Bulgaria, purely to waste time to queue their battle up. The Serbs have used some amazing tactics in this war.

Russia beat both Latvia and Estonia as they attacked Moscow and now they are on the backfoot. Latvia is the first to get attacked by Russia in their homeregion of Latgale and although Russia have 3 mini-battles over Latvia, they are bringing it back by winning 81% in their current mini-battle 20 minutes through.
Same story in Lithuania as they start to bring the battle back to maybe even go on to win it. UK have done some of the most damage in that war too.

Czech Republic are getting owned by Slovakia after they declared war on them yesterday. Slovakia have 86% of the damage in the current battle.

Finland are taking Western Finland back in a resistance war against Sweden in which the Finns are beating the Swedes by quite a lot.
Sweden are getting some mini-battles won back against Russia as they have literally just won the last mini-battle by a lot so it's easy to see where Sweden are concentrating their damage.
The current scores on the doors is 4 mini-battles to 4 so it's pretty much even but Sweden do have time-zone advantage.

Poland have attacked France but the Poland - France war is not serious. Poland attacked France to cut off Macedonia's border with France to end the war to get Macedonia concentrating on Serbia and their resistance against Bulgaria. So Poland will let France win and it's really just training for France as they both have a natural enemy with each other.

Anything out of that war is serious as Poland keep hold of Alsace in a resistance war.

Greece about to cut off three regions from the Turkish capital as Eastern Anatolia will probably be given to the Greeks after a 6 mini-battle lead.

The Gulf of Mexico remains under US control but letting Mexico win a resistance wars has not helped them at all. The US were so close to wiping Mexico and at the end they just dropped the ball.

Brazil have accepted Peru as their natural enemy for some unknown reason since Peru is now at war with Argentina so Brazil are not in any danger at all unless they just wanted the NE bonuses which is understandable.
It's even at the moment and maybe, just maybe, this time Peru will remain on the map. But the thing with countries that reappear on the map is that they start wars way to fast. Just like Czech Republic that have been wiped for 3 months and they are about to get wiped again after 2 days by starting a war too soon and and while you have 0 MPPs. Peru have 2 MPPs but if you reappear on the map it's unlikely you'll have much gold at all.

Quick Fact: The UK is the 9th largest consumer of energy in the world and the 15th largest producer.

Thanks for reading, leave feedback and as always, more info is appreciated if you have any.