#38 Political Chit-Chat

Day 1,261, 11:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gambit8

Hello Readers!

In this article I'm doing something slightly different. As you may have guessed from the title it is indeed a political article. *everybody leaves*

ESO - Every Single One is the party I belong to and I became Head of Recruitment on Sunday 😃 Although to be fair, it's a title for the sake of a title so it's nothing amazing it's just that me and Grump do recruiting a lot :/

But anyway. Onto what ESO are all about.

ESO is a party that believes in the progression of the people, not the party. So this means that we don't care what your background is, what party you belong to, we just want the best for you.
To do so, we want to help newborn players and we are already doing that by giving out food for the younger members of the party to help them gain security on their job. (because if you work with low health you probably will get fired) Between levels 20-25 we give out free Q5 weapons because we expect players by now to be self-sufficient or at least wealthy enough to keep a steady amount of health and so at this stage we want you to become stronger in battle.

We go through things step by step to help you and you to progress in the New World on an all-round basis and this is the same with our politics, we go through things step by step and get things done on an all-round basis, we don't just concentrate on one thing like other parties do, some parties may go all out military but have a crummy economy and vice versa.

The only thing we are guilty of concentrating on is helping new players but this is just hitting many many birds with one stone. If we can keep citizens playing the game then our living population would increase dramatically, with that, our military strength will increase and production would be higher creating a better economy but we also want the players to progress making us have a better average population not just by level but by what they know. If every average citizen had all the help they needed to move forward in the e-world then our citizen's skill would increase whether it be in politics, writing, wiki-skill or the many skills of the military, if we could share our knowledge around and actually help players by going to them instead of waiting for them to come to us then you'd find that citizens will stay in the eUK and have more fun.

Independence and Equality
ESO is a very independent party and we would never merge with another party within the top 5 because we know how important our policy is and merging would not help the party, and more importantly it would not be in the interests of the people.

We believe in equality, we don't care where you come from, what things you have done in the past (Unless it's something serious) or what level you are, we're here to let everybody have an equal chance at everything. We allow anyone to have the chance to run for PP, or congress.

Party Changes
For any formal amendment to be voted upon it must first get sponsors from 15% of the party and then in the vote 66% of people must vote yes for it to go through although the party president can veto any time he/she wants.

Our Achievements
Every Single One is a relatively new party and we already within the top 5. Although our recent achievement is within the last few weeks. When The Grump became PP we had 52 members and we were 6th, now however, just 19 days on, we are 3rd and have 90 members so we are a rapidly growing party which makes things exciting within the party and it's all very fun to have new people joining all the time.

I know most of you stopped reading because it wasn't to do with war though :/