#37 Battle For Serbia

Day 1,260, 14:11 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gambit8

Hello Readers!

In Europe today, there have been many wars taking place and some strategic manoeuvres by Serbia.
Firstly Serbia have won their battle against Bulgaria which is a massive feat. Which means Serbia will be on the attack, but more importantly they can choose when to attack.
Serbia of course had to attack Romania, but they didn't, instead they did something rather clever. At the time Bulgaria and Croatia were attacking Serbia and Hungary was attacking Romania so Serbia placed their battle where Hungary were attacking, creating a queue to postpone their battle until they are able to fight with more concentrated damage.

Croatia, did however win their battle, conquering another region, but with Serbia beating Bosnia and Herzegovina it seems EDEN aren't really gaining any ground which is very impressive by the Serbs since they are getting attacked by four countries, two of which are in the top fifteen countries in the world.

The USA have conquered Castilla y Leon and no doubt overnight they will attack again to repeat what they did yesterday with their time-zone advantage.

China have come over to Northern Russia to save the Russian's ass....again and are attacking Lapland, Sweden and will make a huge difference in the Baltic war and it's likely now that ABC will lose against Russia as they can concentrate their forces.
And because of Chinese intervention, Sweden have been turned into a winning force, to a force that cannot even win one mini-battle. It just goes to show how big China really is.

Ukraine have won their battle against Lithuania which means they are back to square one.
Estonia are going after Moscow, but are queued behind the losing force of Latvia, this could also be strategic as they could concentrate their forces against Russia one at a time. Although the plan isn't really coming together as they had planned. If anything they should be trying to spread the Russian/EDEN forces.

Finland are taking their opportunity to gain regions by starting a resistance war in Oulu. Finland only need to win one more mini-battle to beat the Swedes. But in my opinion it is a cheap shot.

Czech Republic have declared war on Slovakia and the battle will probably take place in the night sometime.

Central Anatolia now belongs to Greece as they continue to push forward into Turkey, although both sides are very unpredictable and can start pulling victories out of the bag at any time so don't write the Turks off at all.

Israel have once again secured Al Jawf and it seems Iran are having genuine trouble with the Israelis, it's possible however that Iran are distracted from the Serbian conflict and since Iran are in no imminent danger they are aiding their allies in their time of need.

ONE affiliated country, Pakistan are trying to gain some regions back off the Chinese and it seems at this point their efforts are paying off as they are beating the Chinese, although the battle hero is an Iranian.

A peace proposal with Ireland is now active, but still no peace proposal with the US as of yet.

USA failed in Indiana and Spain are still in US territory which is always dangerous if Spain are able to get back on the offensive.

USA also failed in Mexico and not only that, Mexico were also able to get a region back in a resistance war but it's understandable since the US are concentrating on Spain at the moment and the task of surrounding their capital.

Well, still no movement toward Spain from Brazil in fact Brazil are moving in the opposite direction as Peru has been set as their natural enemy although in fairness Peru are a ONE affiliated country and Brazil are already set as their natural enemy.

Quick Fact: Most countries have regional flags but in the UK we don't have that, we have county flags. Such as the one below.

Leicestershire County Flag

Thanks for reading, leave feedback and additional info below, if you have any is, as always appreciated.