#36 Countries Back From Vacation

Day 1,259, 16:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gambit8

Hello Readers!

A lot has been happening today so be prepared for a long article people!! WOO!

Okay well first lets talk about the countries that have returned from their 3-4 month holiday
And that is Denmark and Czech Republic!!

Now as I'm sure some of you are aware, Denmark and Sweden have an agreement, or a sort of merger type thing in which all the Danish regions were given to Sweden so that was a voluntary act and Denmark won their resistance war easily because Sweden simply gave it back.

Czech Republic however had to get through Slovenia which is a difficult feat but fortunately for them Slovenia was distracted and to be fair the Slovenians had no use of that region as it isn't connected to their capital after their new allies, Austria, regained what region they had connected to it.

The USA have arrived in Spain which is something that hasn't happened for a long time now and are going after Castilla Y Leon to try an surround their capital. At the moment the USA are losing their battle however when Europe is asleep, the US will be awake and therefore will win a great deal of battles.

Sweden are attacking Moscow, which is very curious since you'd think they'd try and surround their capital, instead the Swedes have decided to go straight for their capital and maybe it's because a great deal of people live their, so taking them out of Russia and into Sweden forcefully will effect them, especially if they do not have a moving ticket already, although a rule has come in to sort that out.

Also near the Baltic countries, Lithuania are on the offensive and are attacking a Ukraine-owned Belarusian region. Lithuania are losing, however, Lithuania have much more MPPs than Ukraine and are pretty much even time-zone-wise so it could go either way.

Estonia and Latvia will be holding their attacks to when it best suits them but is Sweden win their battle in Moscow then, unless the capital is placed nearer to ABC, then they will be cut off from ABC, and so Latvia and Estonia would only need to conquer two regions each to end the war with Russia.

Serbia secured their region of Eastern Serbia against Romania but Serbia did however lose two regions against Croatia and Bulgaria, but by tomorrow you'll see Serbian resistance wars in which they will almost certainly win, especially in Bulgaria as they are also fighting Macedonian resistance wars.

Bulgaria and Croatia are attacking again and Serbia have got off to a good start in their fist mini-battle in both wars but since then Bulgaria and Croatia have been beating Serbia and is likely that Serbia will not win any more mini-battles unless they can quickly close their battle against Bosnia which they will do in no longer than a minute (So when you read this, the battle will be over with a Serbian victory)

Poland have beaten France in Rhone Alps and since their allies are preoccupied it's likely they will lose. Although Serbia must feel a little abandoned since in their time of need Poland have turned their attentions to something different. If Poland actually helped in Serbia I no doubt believe they would win.

Germany have started a resistance war in Baden-Wurttemberg which isn't connected to their capital, but I guess they are just trying to regain as many regions as they can at the moment. A lot of people from both Belgium and Netherlands are helping them out which is great to see. 😃

France's day go from bad to worse as they have also lost Corsica to Macedonia. Macedonia are trying to gain a better foothold than they had in the homelands as their capital has been moved to Italy.

Mexico are down to their last two regions and at the moment USA are hitting the Mexican capital, which is a great tactical move as some people may be stranded in USA (If the US win) because of lack of money and no doubt Mexican two clickers who are paying no attention may accidentally fight for the US against Mexico.

USA have won one mini-battle against Spain in their resistance war in Indiana and if the US can gain this region the Spain will be completely out of the US for the first time in a while, and if the Canadian - USA war continues then it will truly be a waste.

Brazil continue to move forward into South Africa and have the South Africans pinned down to just four regions and the war will be over in a matter of days with South Africa being wiped off the map once again.

Iran may finally claim Al Jawf as Iran were struck by an unexpected amount of damage from Israel. Israel continue to give the Iranians a touch time though and I wouldn't bet on a side just yet 😉

Australia have won another resistance war and I'm sure Indonesia are pretty annoyed about this as they are busy trying to wipe them off the map, and they can't do that with them keep liberating regions all the time.

Well I think Brazil should not wait so long between battles. ONE are distracted and South Africa will be getting no help so time-zone advantage is irrelevant here so they should get the war over and done with and move invade Canary Islands and distract Spain against the US.

Quick Fact: It's late, I'm tired...there's your damn quick fact... 😉 haha

Thanks for reading, leave feedback and additional info you may have is always appreciated.