#34 Europe in Chaos

Day 1,256, 05:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gambit8

Hello Readers!

It's been very eventful in the last few days and since I didn't find the time to write an article yesterday I'm going to have to cram all the action into this one article 😃

First of I'd like to talk about ABC, which is where most of the action has been in the last few days. Belarus has reappeared on the map and has gained their second region back off ABC.
The second region they gained was from the big help of EDEN but it's their first region they gained, Homelskaya that I'd like to talk about.

Now this may tie in with the Ukraine war with Lithuania. Lithuania owned Homelskaya and during the resistance war it was practically or Latvians that were fighting for Belarus, this was very weird until I looked at the map. Homelskaya bordered Ukraine and I'm going to assume Latvia wanted Belarus to regain the region so they could invade Belarus, take the region back easily so they could join the fight with Ukraine, put them as a natural enemy and invade with Lithuania as they did with Belarus.

What ABC weren't expecting was EDEN to help Belarus in their next resistance war in which EDEN were victorious and helped Belarus gain a second region and a decent foothold. Although Belarus aren't anything without EDEN and ABC will know this so when the time comes you could see them wiped back off the map again.

With Belarus with a decent foothold, Russia decided to invade Latvia to spread ABC's damage away from Ukraine to make it easier for EDEN to have a good shot at ABC. Estonia saw this and invaded Russia, so now ABC are fighting on three fronts, two on Russia and another on Ukraine. It's hard to tell which way this one will go. Although EDEN are winning it's still pretty much even in mini-battles as it's pretty much 50/50 all the way through.

The small nation of Bosnia have invaded Serbia and with great support of Croatia, they are winning in Western Serbia, although a lot of their damage was done overnight and now the Serbs are making up for lost time and are trying to bring home the good. In the current mini-battle Serbia are on 50.16% just to give you a sense of how close these two countries are, this war could go any way.

Bulgaria have taken two region off of Macedonia and Bulgaria will be desperate to gain their last home region. They are fighting a resistance war however at the moment but Bulgaria aren't going to give the region up so easily and so soon and are winning by over 75% in the current mini-battle.
If Macedonia lose their capital it will actually help them as their capital will be moved to Italy in which they will have more connected regions giving them greater resource bonuses.

Italy are trying to break the Macedonian defences in their home regions as they've opened two battles.
Italy only need Tuscany, Unbria, Sardina, Abruzzo and Lazio until they will have no more connections with Macedonia so they will be safe from them but Macedonia are making it very difficult for the Italians as they haven't won a resistance war in a very long time.
If Bulgaria beat Macedonia, they could move to Italy to help Italy in completely wiping Macedonia off the map although there is always the Slovenian threat for Italy.

Italy are winning in Sardina with 6 mini battles to 0 which is a good sign for removing Macedonia from their land.

Cyprus are victorious in Southern Cyprus, Turkey have been busy with Greece as they gain another few regions back and are well on their way to becoming complete again but Cyprus have done well against Turkey and have surprised everyone.
Cyprus has their own army now but there is a chance Turkey may be laying off the Cyprusians a bit, the main reason is the first time the kind Turks wanted Cyprus to have a full congress, the second time was the fact that they realised the war was started by a bad president, which has now been voted out by impeachment and have brought in a new true Cyprusian president so the Turks may be laying off for these reasons although it's fair to say they did pretty much go for it in the last battle but Cyprus of course did very well. Cyprus are gaining around 40 citizens per day now and it's no wonder they are able to really fight now.

Lithuania's only border with Ukraine is under attack by Belarus in an attempt to end the Ukrainian war, although to be fair this isn't a bad thing and Lithuania could for well have started it themselves to close a front with EDEN and concentrate of Russia.

Poland have taken another German region and now Germany are left with only two regions unless they can take Lower Saxony in their second attempt resistance war.

It's almost as if Germany have given up against Poland though in North Rhine as Germany only have 8% of the damage.

Romania only need two more regions until they have all their home regions under their control. They aren't having much luck in their resistance wars lately which is understandable as more Romanian citizens will be in Romania rather than Hungary but they are doing well in the main war as they are still on the offensive.

USA currently have 5 battles open. Two against Spain, two against Canada and one against Mexico so they will be a little strained but it won't get them down as they are beating Spain and Mexico relatively easily which is brilliant and we all hope they get back into Europe.

North Korea has been wiped off the map by China as the Chinese were merciless by opening battles one after the other taken 4 regions within 2 days.

The Philippines has been wiped by Indonesia, but they are trying to get themselves back on the map by starting a resistance war and although Indonesia are winning, it's not by much.

Australia are up to two regions as they've gained New South Wales, one of their most populated regions.

Iran continue to move forward into Israeli territory and at the moment it is a complete and utter walkover.

Speaking of walkovers, Greece has taken Saudi Arabia as the Arabian's attempt to regain a few regions in their attack against Egypt failed.

Quick Fact: Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip have been married for 63 years, the longest time a monarch has ever been married.

Thanks for reading, I'll add some more stuff in later, leave feedback and comments. The Royal Wedding was awesome just in case anyone missed it. One sign said 'Checkmate Catherine, you've taken the king' That was funny. 😃