#34 ABC and World War V

Day 1,257, 15:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gambit8

Hello Readers!

It's all pretty crazy around the world at the moment, although because everybody seems to own part of another country most of the wars seem to be all resistance wars which will, for the most part, take allies out of the equation.

Greece have two battles open and if they can win both of these then they will re-unite their homelands under their control once again and will be on the offence to attack Turkey.
Greece do look on form as they are winning both battles and have won all mini-battles in both so far.
I'm not sure where this sudden burst came from after many regions lost after Turkey but it's working well. Perhaps they were laying back a bit to make the Turks think they were winning, but who knows.

France have declared war on Macedonia,and have taken back their home region of Corsica and are now attacking Piedmont, an Italian home region.
We have lost out MPP with France because of their attack because of our alliance with Macedonia, but once the war is over I'm sure we'd get it straight back.

Serbia are trying to regain their region back Bosnia and probably will do so in a resistance war. It really goes to show how much EDEN depend on each other because in a resistance war you have no allies.

Yesterday, Serbia did well over 40 million damage within the whole day, 2nd was Croatia, with little over 14 million.

Finland are in Aland trying to gain the region back off their Swedish conquerors and it looks like Finland will be successful here as they are currently winning 3 mini-battles to zero.

Macedonia's homelands have been completely taken over by Bulgaria and Macedonia have started a resistance war in Povardaire but Bulgaria are winning in the first mini-battle with 99% of the damage and Macedonia have contributed quite a bit of damage themselves, it's just Bulgaria have gone in there and loaded all their damage on too fast and even in these early stages I don't think there is any way back for the Macedonians in this current mini-battle, they'll probably wait until the next mini-battle and start from there.

Lithuania will probably lose another battle against Ukraine, ABC have gotten off to a bad start as all three countries have lost their battle but maybe they'll recompose, reorganise and pull themselves together. I'm sure once EDEN reach their home regions they'll be in for a huge surprise.
Surprisingly, the one country doing the best against EDEN in ABC is the small country of Estonia, they have a much smaller population compared to their allies but they do have one of the best average experience in the whole game at a 1,900+ average.

Sweden have gained Northern Russia and with 3 regions already occupied by the Chinese the Russians will need to tread carefully as it would make the attacker's job a lot easier because the more regions not owned by the Russians, the less bonuses they get = less money they get = people may decide to leave, lose population = less damage + less congress. These effects will only come into play when they are down to just a few regions but with 3 countries at war with them it could easily go wrong for the Russians in a matter of days.

The Italy - Macedonian war has gotten to the point in which is about even and with the Bulgarians owning their home regions they will be moving to Italy.
The capital is now Umbria in Italy and already, over 3,500 Macedonians have taken residence there and will not be giving up without a huge fight as the regions are now linked so they get bonuses, which means they now matter to their country.

Germany have sadly, once again been wiped off the map by Poland, this means Germany can now choose where they want their capital to be, now personally, I'd got for Saxony but they have decided to go with Rhineland, I think they want to be as close to France as they can.
France as also trying to get Franche Comte back and they are currently winning. If they gain this region then they'll only need four more regions to be complete again.

America have won another battle against the Spaniards, gaining Virginia. Now, it's likely they will move straight in to Spain and leave the Spanish regions in their homelands as they are and get them back in resistance wars. If it was me I'd go straight for Spain while they are on a roll.

The US have also gained another Mexican region giving them the oh so rare, rubber resource. The US only need four more regions to wipe Mexico off the map, and punish them for being a puppet of ONE.

It's been 24 hours since Ireland chose a place to attack Canada (To gain their regions back) and so the auto battle has come into place and Ireland have accidentally started a battle in Newfoundland in the Canadian homelands.

China have declared war on Thailand and winning easily, as you would expect. It seems nobody can defeat China.

If the USA can get into Spain then if I was France then I'd attack, get a bit of revenge and spread the Spanish forces, also I would expect Brazil then to attack Canary Island, I think if the US were to get back to Europe and these two countries attack then I'm sure Spain would be wiped, unless Poland decide to step in and attack France creating a third from in France.

I also think Croatia should open a war with Hungary, which I'm sure they have already considered, and help the Romanians out by ridding the world of a powerful ONE country. Although Croatia may be preoccupied with Serbia, but by the time Serbia wipe Bosnia, Hungary would be wiped assuming they win every battle and all three countries attack at the same time.
Although, major news as Croatia, Bulgaria and Romania are proposing Serbia as a natural enemy, this isn't safe as Macedonia and Hungary are likely to cause trouble for Romania and Bulgaria but this could go completely right for EDEN, or it could go horribly wrong, only time will tell.

Quick Fact: eRep Fact today 😃
Although the eUK has a shocking population, their average experience is higher than that of Ukraine, Sweden, Iran, Argentina, Turkey, China, Macedonia, Greece, Brazil, Bulgaria, Indonesia and USA

Thanks for reading, leave feedback and if you have any information you'd like to contribute then comments below are always welcome.