#33 Message For Congress

Day 1,254, 13:24 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gambit8

Hello Readers and my 108 smexy subscribers!

The reason for the title of this article is because I have a message for congress members. The message is at the bottom of this article 😃

Lets start off with a bit of Romania. Somehow, out of nowhere they are actually fighting back against Hungary, which is absolutely brilliant. They now only need three more regions before they are once again united. It's been a long time coming but the time may be here soon.
If they are able to unite they may even move into Hungary since they have a whole war open, so they could do what we thought would impossible a week ago and take a few Hungarian regions. I'm sure Hungary has something special in store though in case Romania does try something like that.

A war has been opened between Ukraine and Lithuania, except it wasn't opened by Lithuania as I expected, it was opened by Ukraine.
Croatia has renewed their MPP with Ukraine so maybe Lithuania will have a bit of fighting to do. Although I do believe Lithuania will win their war since Latvia and Estonia will be giving their helping hand and so will Poland and Hungary as they get an MPP with Lithuania.

Poland were victorious in Rhineland, as they will be in Wurttemberg too. It doesn't look all to well for Germany at the moment.

Although another resistance war in Saxony has been opened which is a good sign. They were doing better there than usual, and Alfagrem was also there tanking, but the Polish population has once again shown that it can take on any credit card.

Lower Austria is being liberated against the Slovenian owners. Although Slovenia is letting them get that region like they did with Upper Austria because they want them to invade Slovakia.

Cyprus have lost all their money due to the President stealing it all. Taking all the money out of two separate banks leaving 0.1 TRY
Although the President of Cyprus has been forced to end his office of Impeachment.

Iran has taken over Eastern Province and have set Israel as their Natural Enemy, as they prepare for war. This is definitely something I'll be keeping an eye on. Israel are a much bigger country compared to it's Arabic neighbours and this will be the only war Israel will have had in a while that hasn't been in doubt of what the outcome will be. They're going to actually have to fight hard.

Greece have gone to war with Saudi Arabia and are winning easily against them but Saudi Arabia have began a resistance war in Makkah against Egypt to pull a region back, although this will be pretty useless and it seems Greece will wipe Saudi Arabia no matter what.

Venezuela have lost a region against Argentina. Argentina will be probably going for Venezuelan Capital (The region, not the actual capital) to cut off a few regions including a rubber region and a oil one.

Brazil are losing against South Africa as ONE decide, after the ONE defeat in Russia (Which we'll come onto later) that South Africa is the only current chance to do some damage against Brazil.

A few days ago USA voted for UK to be their natural enemy, 17 people voted yes. The proposal was rejected but of course if we are not on the same side as USA, the the Americans automatically assume we are against them, even if we have clearly stated we are neutral.
America want to be centre of attention and will always want to be top priority all the time and I think they are a bit angry that we'd rather MPP with our real friends (Serbia) than MPP with a government that clearly hates the UK and likes to push us around and treats us like puppets.
Although it's fair to say we'd have kicked their ass anyway. They have Spain and Mexico attacking them and since the UK haven't been wiped before I doubt we'd break that habit especially against our old arch enemies.

Alaska has been given to Canada to block Serbia off. Millions and Millions of damage gone to waste to the Serbs point of view as they've been pushed right back to their homeland.

Baja has been conquered by the US after they're finally able to penetrate the Mexican homeland after many failed attempts.
Mississippi is about to be secured by America and this could well be their first victory against Spain for nine battles.

China have taken Far Eastern Russia and after a Russian Resistance they have been sent out of the Russian homeland.
It took some effort but after Alaska fell to Canadian hands, they'd have all but given up.

Okay, this is where my message for congress comes in.
As you all may have realised random Natural Enemies have been proposed to prevent the natural enemy with Ireland because people are scared we might give out TOO MUCH WIN! and wipe Ireland.
So obviously because we are so brilliant at battles the game may crash due to pure awesomeness.
So what I propose is that next time and Natural Enemy is proposed, vote yes. I don't care who it is we've set as an NE, just vote yes, and then the next time we want to go to war with someone we'll see if they use that trick again.
Or, just get in there before any other congressman/woman and propose Ireland as NE before anyone else 😃
Serbian MPP > Polish MPP

Also an Ireland - UK war will not be on anybody's priority list so it's practically be a 1v1 with a few two-clickers from other countries.

Quick Fact: Ever since eUK and eIreland's relations have gotten worse, the IRA threat has escalated.

Thanks for reading, hope you all had a nice easter, although I am a bit late with that 😛 leave feedback and any additional info is appreciated as always.