#32 Now What?

Day 1,253, 15:58 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gambit8

Helloooooo Readers!

The reason for the title is because, well nobody knows what to do next, you'll find out what I mean in the few minutes you read this article, unless of course, you're one of those people who look at the wall of text and are just like....well funk this silt.

First off, Poland are at war with Germany, and unfortunately the Polish are winning. I'm sad to say that our German brothers are completely outpowered and all their hard work to liberate their regions may be in vain.
But, this could be good for them. I'm sure Saarland will prove to be a much harder fight for Poland because it's the German capital and so if it so happens to fall and Germany are wiped then this means a fresh start in a new location. Now what better place to have a strong, well defended capital than Saxony. Not only will it prove to be hard to gain because of defences and hospitals and the rest of it, but also this will be a great tactical move of it's location on the map.

UK have finally regained all their home regions by taking Northern Ireland off of Canada. UK would have wanted to go to war with Ireland straight after but two jokers, namely Koratos and Thatcher have proposed Sweden as a Natural Enemy just to waste time.
The UK - Ireland war may never happen now since Ireland have now proposed Poland as an MPP because they are scared that we may win if we went to war with them so they are getting backup for safeties.

Slovenia must be bored as they have proposed Macedonia as a natural enemy. Obviously they have nothing better to do at the moment.

Slovenia may be proposing an MPP with UK but are worried that this may conflict with Poland as they are signing an MPP with Ireland. Another MPP that will conflict with Poland is the MPP signing with Germany which they are yet to propose.

I'm not sure what EDEN think of Ireland signing an MPP with Poland but I can imagine they aren't keen with the idea.

The UK are signing MPPs with Lithuania and Macedonia, which look as if they are going to be accepted. I'm not all too pleased about the Macedonian MPP since I'd much rather fight for Bulgaria.

Bosnia have gained a region from Serbia, making it so that they only need one more region to unite their land once again.
Romania have gained a grand total of four regions and surprisingly beat Hungary quite easily, which is rather unusual.

In about four hours Finland will be, once again, wiped off the map. This time however it will be by Sweden. This will make the Finns job evermore difficult to liberate their regions as they'll be fighting two nations rather than just the one.

Another weird battle is the Greece - Turkey battle over Attica. The reason why this battle is weird is because Greece have, out of nowhere, pulled out all this damage and are beating the Turks six rounds to zero. This is especially weird since in the last 6 whole battles Turkey have won without losing a single round to the Greeks.

Ukraine has been proposed as a natural enemy by Lithuania which I had predicted would happen around a week ago in one of my articles. This is of course the logical move for ABC as they want to continue to expand due to their growing population and demand. ABC were successful in Finland, but not as successful as they'd want as they only gained, in the end, one region. Which isn't bad but hopefully somewhere else they will be able to do better since the Finns are know for being quite stubborn.

Although ABC control a large area, Estonia is the only country with an Aluminium resource within the alliance, and Lithuania only has one Iron region.
Ukraine offers more resources for ABC including Deer and Saltpetre.

South Korea has lost a region to Taiwan, although apparently this is due to an agreement between China, Taiwan and S.Korea.
I'm also assuming China's war with Taiwan is also down to some sort of agreement.
The North Korea war however, as I'm currently aware, is serious. N.Korea attacked China, but China have successfully repelled them and are not on the offensive.

China are also still at war with Serbia, and it's hard to know how they are able to fight in so many battles at a time. If they could fight one war at a time then they'd be unstoppable in both normal and resistance wars.

Far Eastern Russia is being attacked by Russia as they are trying to prevent Serbia from crossing the sea to attack America.
If Russia fail in their resistance war, which they will, then China will still have a shot at attacking the region. Of course by the time the battle is over, Serbia will already be at war with the US.

Brazil have taken another region out of the hands of South Africa as punishment for their attack against them during the Polish assault on their land.
South Africa is their Natural Enemy and by the time that war is over with South Africa being wiped then Brazil will be able to propose another Natural Enemy, which we all hope will be Spain as they will have the option to invade the Canary Islands.

America are proposing Serbia as a natural enemy which means if Brazil to decide to attack Spain then Spain can switch their natural enemy to Brazil and still Terreden will still be at the disadvantage since it'll be 3 on 1. Brazil + America vs. Spain + Serbia + Mexico so America will need to really put in some action.

Greece are getting ready to invade Saudi Arabia, although you'd think they'd have enough distractions with Turkey, unless of course they think Saudi Arabia won't be much of a problem due to their war with Iran at the moment as Iran are sure to gain Eastern Province. It's annoying when a large nation takes on a tiny nation, although to be fair, it is taking advantage of their power to gain some more region. It is part of the game, although I would have liked to see the Arabic regions to a little better.

Nothing is going on in Oceania so I'm going to include Indonesia in this section since it's near enough.
Indonesia have gone to war with Philippines and have already gained one region off of them and are on for their second.
Philippines have been out of war for so long that it may seem a little weird for them, although Indonesia may be doing this war not only to gain resources and gain an easy victory and maybe even to keep their military exercised but also to spread the damage in the Philippines as their only is the USA. It's clear that ONE want to be as effective as they can in America.

This will get exciting so keep your eyes open. Don't even blink because Terraeden depend on the US so much and will be the main fighting ground of World War Five so keep watching.

I think America should ignore Spain for the time being and concentrate on Mexico. Serbia will attack and Alaska will be a main fighting ground. But fighting Mexico may be the best thing they can do. It'll be much easier to fight one enemy than it is to fight three so if they can wipe Mexico that'll be one less enemy to deal with then they can concentrate on Serbia and Spain and because of the importance of defeating these enemies then Terraeden may pull through and push them back. Especially if China are able to gain Far East Russia, cutting Serbia's entrance off, so if they lose in Alaska then the threat could be over just as soon as it started.

I'm also quite liking UK's resignation from Terra because now we can MPP with whoever we want although I do disagree with the MPP with Macedonia, the MPPs with Lithuania and Serbia I agree with. We could also concentrate damage on helping Terra where we want to. I'm sure almost all the country doesn't want to join or help ONE in any way so it's likely we'll either fight as a neutral country such as Ireland or fight like a Terra country, but concentrating damage where we want. For example, in the next few days damage will be concentrated on USA but we may concentrate damage on Germany or France, this concentration of damage may give Terra the upper hand since all ONE damage will also be concentrated in the US so in Europe, we could gain the upper hand.

Although Two-clickers can do a lot of damage and may even help Macedonia against Bulgaria, which I personally do not want to happen.

Quick Fact: The UK have never launched a large scale attack since 1982 in the Falklands War, in which it was victorious.

Thanks for reading, leave feedback and more info is always appreciated.