#31 La Résistance

Day 1,252, 13:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gambit8

Hello Readers.

Pre-Fact: La Résistance was the resistance force in France during WWII, mainly located in Lorraine. Lorraine's Resistance force also has it's own flag.

It is all pretty much kicking off in Europe, but heads are mainly turned towards the United Kingdom and Ireland.

The UK are hoping to finally liberate Northern Ireland and thanks to the likes of Alfagrem and Jamesw in the first two mini-battles (Rounds) and Anotherlamedrunk in the current round we are winning, which is great since Canada have had this region for so long.

We want this region now because we want to invade Ireland as you all must know. Of course, thanks to Canada they've made the whole thing pretty difficult to just go straight across to Dublin or Southeast Ireland as we'd have liked.
Although this could work in our favour since we want to gain regions and getting Northern Ireland first will at least get us an extra region to play with, bit I'm sure we'd of liked the region yesterday before the elections started.

Now of course, Canada could block us off once again, but if they wanted to do this then Ireland would be down to just one region, Cork and Kerry which is very bad for the Irish and it's fair to say the Canadians have already done enough damage for one World War, thank you very much.
All of the UK though we might need to spread our damage across both Canada - Ireland battle and our Resistance, but luckily this did need to happen since Ireland are fighting for themselves for once and are stopping the Canadians since they know they'd be left with just the one region if Canada were successful in blocking them off from UK.

But Canada aren't going down with a fight because Canada are the king's of damage wasting, which is funny since Ireland are the prince's of damage wasting so damage wasters fighting damage wasters = damage devastation.

And because of Canada's wasting of damage, it works out all to well for ONE, which we'll come onto a little bit later.

Brittany has been put into the rightful hands of the French as they finally block the Polish off from the US. (Old news but updating from my absence yesterday)
Alsace was the only other resistance war opened by the French in which they lost, and if it weren't for Canadian + Irish damage wasters during the first resistance in Northern Ireland then the UK + Ireland + Canada could have fought in Poland for the French, unfortunately this couldn't happen and the French lost.
Not to mention the defeat in Saxony, which we should win since it's currently the most important region on the map since if it were in the hands of the Germans then all metal resources and Oil will be gone from Poland since it will not be connected to the Polish capital.
To me, concentrating damage on Saxony is a no brainer

Netherlands have failed in taking Western Netherlands which just so happens to have the Oil resource, the only oil region owned by Poland.

Romania have secured Bucovina from the Hungarian assault and will be on the offensive. This are looking up for Romania for the first time in a very long time but all this can fall apart in a few days if Hungary pull out the big guns.
Romania did lose their resistance war in Transilvania which is a shame because they'd of hoped to gain that region and in their attack in the war they'd be over to battle it out in Banat and block off three regions including the Hungarian's only oil region.
However, the war isn't over and Romania still have their offensive move against Hungary.

Bulgaria have once again lost Sofia, but the Bulgarians still have a chance off pulling it back again. This war could well turn into a stalemate since both countries are pretty much evenly matched. Bulgaria have the better population but Macedonia have ONE support.

On a much happier note however, Montenegro have been wiped by Croatia and that's a ONE puppet down, we still have a lot of work to do but we're a step closer to achieving our goal.

Poland are about to attack Germany and all the German's hard work could come crashing down on them as the Polish could turn this war into a complete walkover, especially due to the Canadian distraction in two continents.
I'm annoyed that Poland aren't attacking sooner since my orders are to hold fire until Poland attack, I've been waiting all day and still no battle as of yet, just the war opener message of 'Poland are about to Attack'

Very hectic in North America as well. Quite complicated too, but hopefully I'll help a few people understand on what is actually going on here.
First off, Serbia control Far Eastern Russia, giving them a border with Alaska, so ONE took it upon themselves to start a resistance war in Alaska, giving it to the USA if they win (Which it looks like they will win) then Serbia will be able to open a war with the USA and join the fight with Mexico and Spain.

Spain move forward into USA even further as they own five regions there now and are looking strong to gain their sixth.

Mexico are on the back-foot and America will want to be pinching Arizona back.

China have taken Western Siberia and what would be really funny is if by the time ONE have given Alaska back to America, China gain Eastern Russia blocking off the Serbians and all the damage in that battles would be for nothing.

Australia no longer exists as Indonesia take their final region of Tasmania and Taz the Tasmanian Devil will be pretty annoyed about this.

Brazil is whole again and Poland have been taken right out of South America which is good news for us all. And the nuisance called South Africa will be getting what is coming to them as Brazil take their revenge and what better way to do that than completely own them and wipe them off the map?

Obviously my thoughts are on Canada and their will to waste damage all the time. If it weren't for their war against America I'm sure both Canada and USA could fight in Alaska to keep it owned by Canada and prevent the Serbian attack on the US.
Canada also waste their damage in Ireland as they won't back-down in Southeast Ireland, again, damage that could be used in Alaska or fighting for the few allies they have left.

Canada have so few allies because they have begun wars with Ireland and USA, wasting damage and costs money, this is because MPPs cost a lot and losing them over silly wars does no good to anyone.

Terra and EDEN say the war with Ireland is a distraction but isn't the multiple Canadian wars not a distraction too? If you can create a distraction in the war then why can't we?

I'm also angry at Terra, since they continue to keep the alliance uninformed, I've only seen one article posted in the last three weeks. We need guidance, orders and some information on the politics of things. We want to be in the know.

Quick Fact: United Kingdom is one of the only five recognised military nuclear powers in the world.

Thanks for reading, leave feedback and more info, if you have any, in the comments section below. A special thanks to anyone who voted ESO in today's congress election.

EDIT: Turns out UK left Terra today, which kinda sucks. Giving the public what they want isn't the work of a good leader. It's giving the public what they need, while making them think it's what they want. We need Terra, not to mention we're on the right side, fighting the power crazy alliance that is indeed ONE, I feel the best course of action would have been to blank America, just ignore them in every way, act like they didn't exist, fight for Terra minus America.