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Day 2,848, 17:35 Published in North Macedonia Canada by TemujinBC

Hello friends o/

Today is Independence Day for the Republic of Macedonia, and that is definitely worth celebrating...

(Apologies if you do not like the politician.... I do not blame you for being angry at me, but he was the first President in 1991 so that is why I have his picture!)

Unfortunately I do not have Macedonan rakia here in Canada to drink. But I wanted you all to know that I will certainly enjoy this day along with you, while having this tasty beverage:

This is Absinthe... or as I like to call it: "Green Serko Death".

"But Temu, why do you drink that garbage?"

Well that's a fine question. And the Answer...


So I will wish you a "Happy Independence Day"

And... you can wish me the same thing, as it was 37 years ago today that I became "independent" of my mother XAXAXAXAXA ~_^

On a serious note though, I think the players from Macedonia are some of the best and funniest in the entire game. So much trolling, so much lulz. 😁

Hugs and Kisses,


PS Severrus Snape ti si serko
PPS GoodBeer ti si najgolem serko
PPPS ivan sk ti si najgolem peder serko
PPPPS Mane Komita is the Top Sexy
