You don’t always get to be what you want to be when you grow up, Cale.

Day 1,202, 14:32 Published in Croatia North Korea by William Thomas Riker

Many of you don’t know what you want to be when you grow up. Same thing happens to you here. Let me quote one line from the movie Free style:

You don’t always get to be what you want to be when you grow up, Cale.

Sad line, actually. We all came here because we hopped that line isn’t true in this game. But it is true, way beyond any of us could have imagined when registering. True, true, true…
Today everybody is in some military or paramilitary unit, everybody has newspaper, a couple of companies…

Now you stooped reading and started thinking, right? Few lines before I wrote people can’t be what they want, and now I wrote they can, they are. It is not a contradiction. It’s a joke.
But think, when you do something in the real world, you actually do it great? You’re good at it? That is the real world. Now, let’s check this game’s world.

Everybody has companies, but not all of them know how to run it. They start, let’s say, a Q1 weapon company. God, have many job offers for Guru skills have I seen, offering them the biggest salaries on the market… Not to forget they have to buy raw materials. And then they sell those weapons cheap, just to sell it fast. Then they screw up the market, like yesterday in Croatia…

Everybody has newspaper, but most of them don’t know to write at all; bad grammar, poor vocabulary… Don’t know what to write about, so they spam, ask for votes and subes… I know, I was one of them at the beginning, but as soon as I wrote my first article, it was deleted, plus I got some “gift” points. I learned my lesson, and now I am a solid journalist. At least I’m told so.
The point is most of those “journalists” have newspaper so they get the medal. Yea, right, like that will happen. If you don’t know how to write at least some “makes sense” articles, then you wasted 2 gold. Ha-ha!
I remember Fabius wrote new journalists can’t get enough attention because of the old ones whose articles always end up at the top. So not true. Good journalists can’t get space because of those spam journalists…

Everybody wants to be a politician. As soon they save 40 gold, they start their own party. Then they candidate for PP and CP for the next half a year. Oh, they would go like that forever, not just six months. But then someone takes their parties away. I was like that. Actually, I resisted three tries of TO, but Serbs got my party after conquering Croatia. I learned my lesson. Never waste 40 gold on new party. Take over another one! Ha-ha!

So my point is…? WTR? I have no point. I got bored. I arrived to the dorm before schedule and had nothing to do, except to think, and then transfer my randomly selected thoughts here. Enjoy! And for God sakes, start thinking. Make your own point, I wont get all the job done for you.

Live long and prosper! And add me as your friend.