Vote for The Unity Party (TUP)

Day 6,091, 23:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by 41 Commando

Sick of the Trolling

Sick of the gas lighting

Sick of Congress members who don't bother to vote

Sick of the party whip

Vote for The Unity Party

Unity is what we are about!

We are the most democratic party with the most active congress members

Our TUP candidates are:

Long standing Congress member and TUP president
Experienced and hard working. He regularly posts election analysis


Vice President of The Unity Party and long serving congressman, he also doubles up as leader of the Galactic Empire.


Another big hitter and resident hardman of The Unity Party. Long standing member of the Royal Navy and clearly a sadist having endured 80 terms in congress.

Man Friday

Experienced congress member with a strong voting record, its unlikely he’ll ever miss a vote.
He joined erepublik in 2011 and has loads of congress terms under his belt.


Commander of the Home Guard
Respected on all sides we are proud to have him on our slate!


An experienced Big hitter from the Royal Navy
Forever euk !!!!!!!
Yigit Can Balta

Sorry guys, your dream job is taken by the official Federal Booty Inspector. Another experienced member of congress


C'est la vie
Has been around since 2012


Long term citizen joined in 2011


JRCS will provide a clear headed perspective for the eUK Congress

Jack Smithdt

Joined in 2019
Had 1 term in congress
Mathio john

Joined in 2015
Never been in Congress
A new broom

He is the Founder and Commander of the Scorpions and one of the highest ranked fighters in the UK
Respected by Everyone "We play eRepublik not Farmville."

Another big hitter who is running for congress
Woof woof! Look out kittens! Look out Sheep!

Vote TUP

For the unity of the eUK!

Vote unity end the chaos!