the chinese mirror (traditional story)

Day 3,280, 04:52 Published in Canada Czech Republic by Clorofila

A Chinese peasant went to the city to sell the rice crop. His wife asked him not to forget to bring a comb.

After selling their crop, the peasant joined some friends in a bar, where they get drunk and celebrated their good luck. Then, a bit confused, when he was about to get back home, he remembered that his wife had asked for something, but what was? He could not remember. Then he went into a general store and took the first thing that caught his attention: a mirror.

He thought it could be a great present for his wife so she could see him when he was absent.
He returned to the village very pleased with his choice.

He gave the gift to his wife and went to work in his fields. The woman looked at herself in the mirror and began to cry disconsolately.

She went to her mother's house and said, bitterly:

"My husband has brought another woman", while she handed her the mirror.

The mother took the mirror, looked at it and said to her daughter:

"You do not have to worry, she's very old."