swiss news: swiss CP elections: VOTE FOR HORATIO VAN ARSDALE!!!

Day 4,184, 13:03 Published in Switzerland Ireland by chris jonadicus

Dear friends+citizens of switzerland, hello.

As i see once again the new contestants for the elections of the swiss country president, i say this to you:

VOTE for mr horatio van arsdale, the current CP nominee of the SFP party!

he is:

he has been the MoE (governor/minister of economy) multiple times in switzerland's cabinet, he has been a MoFA, a seasoned congressman who has been voted for many times+ he's been always active+helpful in the swiss congress,
while he has also been PP at least 3 times in his career.

furthermore, during my tenure as CP, he has helped me with foreign affairs as our MoFA, and he has discussed various topics and strategies for our global diplomatic connections and ideas, and he has always been friendly, helpful, cooperative and insightful.

he has been a great MoFA, a splendid MoE in previous sessions, and a great friend of switzerland.

he would make an even greater CP, and thats why i support him 100%.

lets vote for horatio van arsdale/horacio, lets vote for an honourable person!
horatio van arsdale for CP!

-chris j.