Serving with you has been an honor

Day 1,229, 15:10 Published in Croatia North Korea by William Thomas Riker

"She's a fine ship."
"No one will argue with that. But like you say, it's time to go."

- Captain Sisko and Chief O'Brien of the Defiant

"Each of you has done your best, but determination alone isn't going to hold this ship together. It's time we faced reality. We've lost 9 decks, more than half this ship has been destroyed. Life support is nearly gone; Voyager can no longer sustain its crew. I promised myself that I would never give this order, that I would never break up this family; but asking you to stay... would be asking you to die."

- Captain Janeway

"So much for the Enterprise-E."
"We barely knew her."
"Think they'll build another one?"
"Plenty of letters left in the alphabet."

- Crusher and Picard, after activating the self-destruct sequence

Serving with you has been an honor.