Nurap brings her metal pussycat to rule a lil (5thFeb)

Day 3,364, 02:58 Published in Netherlands Czech Republic by Clorofila

Well. What to say. I used to be Clorofila. I turned out to be this wacko woman, with eternal insomnia, musician RL and professor at University in my RL country (Argentina), then I became NuRap Pussycat of Metal. It suits me better these days.

Perhaps some of you don’t know me at all. I am a citizen originally from eArgentina. I have done many things in eR, travelling a lot in the eWorld, and participating in governments, military units, etc. I even was eRepublik Game Moderator a few months ago until I quit. But I won’t re-tell you my whole story right now. I don’t intend to sink you into boredom. You can read my wiki page in case you want to know something else about me.

Funny for strange, spooky girl…. Sometimes I am amused… you’ll see.

I have a couple of ideas to develop this month but I would need you all to engage in this, my darling dutch people.

Be sure that I can’t ruin things because some very known players from these surroundings are part of the cabinet and will make me think twice my ideas. They speak out their own minds, and I can count on their honest approaches to ideas and guidelines.

To make things happen it would be wonderful that you, dutch players, wake up friends who left the game, or invite those who are in other countries and yourselves go more active. Yes, I have people who have been involved in dutch governments month after month giving their time, commitment and even own money or goods when necessary. BUT we all need you to make this work properly, if not we are the same number of crazy cats in government taking turns to go ahead. It’s fine, if you don’t engage we can make things work anyways, but it’s not the optimal situation.

If you really want to participate, please, fill this form and we will contact you in a jiffy (more or less).

* Start a very concise program with 2 goals:
A- to repatriate important dutch players
B- to invite active players in all divisions to work and participate in social and political life in the eNetherlands.
Why a program? Because we think of some kind of acknowledgement to those who will inhabit the country.

* We wish to sign all MPP needed for the best of eNetherlands, not only those that are mandatory in Orion. We are reviewing the possibility to re-sign with former allies.
We have to see how things develop with signed MPP by the fellow alliance Asteria and the impact over our own interests and goals. Asteria and Orion keep a close relationship and we intend to flow accordingly to both alliances agreements.

* We are thinking about the possibility to have a TW, not only for fun but also for economical reasons, a war generally carries investment and some kind of progress.
We are discussing where we could focus on, looking for thoughtful challenges. Let’s work out a little to not stiffen our eMuscles. The spot will be discuss accordingly to our current laws.

* We’ve had a good communication among Military Units, even trying to organize the Dutch Airforces we´ll encourage somekind of social network communication for faster resolutions, like Telegram. The ingame communication is not enough for the moment.

* I think that will try a sort of Supply Program for the Newbie should be implemented. Like this:
A- No doubts that we need a program of financial and educational assistance to the new player, focusing on those who at least have 1 hard worker medal.
B- In this line of ideas, for those who wants to start a political career, we surely will publish some tutorials and will open a sort of “school” to train people in defense and foreign affairs. We´ll work on how to start that engine. It’s important to find people willing to participate in politics and in military.

* It’s our intention to reinstall a Media & Entertainment Program with contests and games to hook people and mingle and participate and and and…. , with prices and challenges of course!

Ideas, ideas, ideas. I hope you can share yours too! I cannot say I will be able to do all that but I will start doing it. I will hold the hope that someone will continue them.

CP Nurap Pussycat of Metal
First Gentleman of eNetherlands Mrischmasch
Government Advisor: Weekstrom
All-in-One, Ready to Help in whatever: OverTheBridge

Prime Minister: Shawtyl0w

Minister of Defense: Mrischmasch
vMo😨 flo rida20
vMoD odan

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Jordic69
vMoFA: Arcanic Mindje

Minister of Education: Gwom

Minister of Treasury/Finances: Trannsvaal

Minister of Home Affairs: odan

Most grateful,

NuRap Pussycat of Metal

*gracias Don-pato, eHijito mío, por la ayuda con la gráfica

Nurap brings her metal pussycat to rule a lil (5thFeb)