New changes in four days? Well, everybody make mistakes. They came in three!

Day 1,304, 07:11 Published in Croatia North Korea by William Thomas Riker

Yeah, I wrote an article about changes coming on day 1305. But they came a day earlier. Not to mention they weren't what we expected (what I told you to expect, but you must admit I prepared you a bit).
In the last article (guess who deleted it) I told you everyone will get 3 iron and 1 Q1 weapon company. It seemed like boosting capabilities of new, younger population of this game. However, admins introduced something totally opposite to what I predicted. This new change, consuming food every 6 hours makes an inevitable striking force out of older players. But not soldiers. This change will benefit mostly to people like myself, who pushed all their resources and hard work into the economy. Why? Well, theoretically we can consume food 4 times a day (although it will be something like 3.99). And guess who can consume more wellness here, soldiers, or businessmen. Businessmen, off course. Most of them have Q5 house. Well, soldiers will get them soon, too. But only businessmen got extra 100 wellness in a special house. Don't forget another fact; lot of businessmen storied old Q5 houses like myself meaning additional 48 wellness per day.
In the end I have 600 wellness per round (2400 wellness per day), plus the old Q5 houses. That makes me a part of new force in here CIVILIANS (even my MU is called Civil brigade. Funny, huh?)
But I had to think how to arrange all that, to customize it to the best. I have Q5 weapon company and I need 2 more Q1 food companies to fulfill my 2400 wellness per day. This is how I will go: one round I will spend working, making all wellness required, plus tanks, about dozen of them. Two rounds will be gone in food fight (!) and in one round I will use those tanks to hunt down the BH medal.

The only problem is I can't figure out how to earn 1.79 gold every day for Napoleon. I guess I'll have to fire him, and start visiting 0.19 gold Boot camp. But before I do that, I will try to find a way to stay in contact with Napoleon.

Napoleon, live long and prosper!