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Day 1,168, 20:15 Published in USA Netherlands by rainy sunday
“History is a guide to navigation in perilous times. History is who we are and why we are the way we are.”

For those of you who don't already know, I'm an avid reader of the media and spend a fair amount of my free time digging around in current and historical papers. Recent talks of government elitism and pseudo-revolution charades and, of course, the current Presidential campaigns reminded me of an article I came across well over a year ago in one of countless such explorations. I thought I would simply share it with all of you.

published Day 165
Chronicles of whac

We are all subject to government in one form or another. There are no places on Earth that are free to live and which are uncontrolled by a government. Not even Antarctica. This means we are more or less stuck with whatever government we have. For some of us, who live in the more democratic societies, this can be a good thing. For others, government can be their first problem in trying to live a normal life.

The government layers most of us have to deal with are local, like city, county or state, national or federal and trans-national, like the European Union. Government is not a bad thing in itself. We need people that are educated to regulate society, take care of our safety, keep the economy in balance, protect our environment and so forth.

But we all know that many governments are not doing their job right. They seem to be more involved with themselves than the citizens they are supposed to be serving. More common these days is that governments sell out to large national and multinational companies, thinking that these companies can help improve the economy, which is only partly true.

So what then is perfect government?

From the earliest headman or headwoman human society has had one or several rulers. Being boss is a natural phenomenon on planet Earth whether you are a human animal or any other kind. Those of us that live in groups or masses all have a ruler or ruling class or caste.

But what makes a good ruler or leader? In general terms it takes a combination of skill, experience, attitude and personality.

First and foremost, government is civil service. It's an ideology, to devote your mind and energy to improving living and working conditions for your fellow countrymen. As a government official you are not important in who you are but in what you do.

The ruler or leader of a government is not the whole of the government. It's a temporary position at most, regardless for how long. This goes for most of the top layer of government.

The mainstay of government are the workers, the bureaucrats, that hold position regardless of who is ruler. These middle level bureaucrats can stay in their position for an entire working life, anywhere up to forty years or more.

While we all know or suspect government corruption at the top levels, the corruption at the middle and lower levels is often overlooked or underestimated. Unfortunately, this lower level corruption can be most destructive of all, even if its monetary value is less.

If you could decide what government should do and what it should not do, what would you want from your government and the people that make up that government?

It is easy to criticize government but how easy is it to be part of a government? Would you be able to control yourself?