eRepublik, Real World, Star Trek and High School Musical

Day 1,183, 01:52 Published in Croatia North Korea by William Thomas Riker

I think most of you got my point last time. Now we move on. Can anyone of you think why did I put those four (eRpb, RL, ST, HSM) together? Simple enough! They all help building me, my character and my dreams, my friends, my talents and wishes, my everything!
Most of the people who got affected by eRepublik became game addicts; they ruined their personal life (especially with their wives and girlfriends), job, eyes… Well, some of them improved their relationship with their kids, especially if they have sons (just like one Croatian went to lock the garage, and left his 5 year old son alone who spent all gold using rocker launchers 😃).

But I went beyond all that.

I love ST because there one can be everything he/she wants. Soldier, diplomat, scientist, engineer… My parents figured that out and they tried to suppress all that, trying to convince me to focus on just one thing, one college, get a job, and live like most of the other Croatians.
But I never could do that. They realized that few years ago, just when I got to high school. I could never be perfect in just few subjects. I had to take them all! That was what I always wanted! That is what I still want. I remember my history teacher. She wanted to kill me because I didn’t prepare enough for competition including best history students all over the country (myself included 😃). I didn’t listen to her because I wanted to learn physics better, just because I wanted to understand it all (although I already got an A). I understood history great, and some diploma with my name on it meant less to me then learning additional physics stuff.

Just like Troy was trouble😛 basketball or musicals? He took both!

I always wanted to be military officer, journalist, politician, big shot scientist, engineer, pilot, singer, actor, benefactor… I can’t say I could do it all in one world, but when you got more than just one, that’s other story. 🙂
eRepublik made it possible for some of my wishes to become reality. What about other things I want to do?
eRepublik helped me here as well. As I became one of well known journalists, politicians and, generally speaking, players, I got respect. Self respect. No, I don’t say I play this game to boost my ego, no. What I’m trying to say, our progress here is faster then out there, in RL. In RL progress is so slow you can barely notice it. But playing this game, I learned, no matter how slow, progress will always exist.
That is why I run 5 miles three times a week. At the beginning all was very slow, I had to be patient (and suffer terrible pain because I am not patient 😃. 4 years have passed since then. Now I am in a great shape!
That is why I learned to play piano on my own.
That is why I am going to take dance classes.
That is why I am going to learn martial arts.
That is why I am going to learn how to fly.
That is why I will never give up on anything.
Just like I haven’t for the past four years.
Everything is possible, you just need to try hard, to give yourself completely to your cause.
That is why I still play this… stuff. If it weren’t for all that, I would stop playing long time ago.

I made it. Why couldn’t we all?


Live long and prosper 🙂! And send me a friendship request!