Economy changes! Prepare yourself!

Day 1,267, 08:49 Published in Croatia North Korea by William Thomas Riker

Information: Day 1,267 - Version - Improved country economy data
Country economy data

By accessing the country economy page, you can view the following new country data:

* in Gold (macroeconomics information)
o Gross domestic product (GDP) - monthly/yesterday/daily average
o Exports - monthly/yesterday/daily average
o Imports - monthly/yesterday/daily average
* in local currency (country treasury revenues)
o Income Tax - monthly/yesterday/daily average
o Import Tax - monthly/yesterday/daily average
o VAT - monthly/yesterday/daily average

The country economy data is currently a work in progress. The values displayed in the main site are still being checked for inadvertences.
Next version - One click work

Launch date: We're aiming to implement the below improvements on Day 1,269, after DC (with a planned maintenance of 2 hours).
Dissolve organization

When you login to your organization, you can use "transfer properties to manager" tool.

Once used, the following will happen:

* you will be set as the only manager of the organization;
* you will receive all the properties (free licenses, companies, Gold, currencies, products);
* you will receive 5 Gold as compensation for the creation of the organization;
* you will receive 2 Gold as compensation for the creation of the newspaper of the organization (if the organization has a newspaper);
* you will receive a private message and email with the details of the transfer;
* the organization will be set to "dead" status and cannot be accessed anymore.


* The above described feature is not available for national organizations.
* The newspaper will remain on the organization (and articles published can be read as usual).
* If you try to login on a "dissolved" organization, you will receive information about the manager who received the properties.

Company location

If you own companies, their location will be set the same as your citizenship country. Thus:

* you can hire employees in any of your companies directly from citizenship country;
* you will receive bonuses in any of your companies from your citizenship country.

When you change your citizenship, the "location" of your company will be changed automatically to the new country.


* national organizations can hire employees and receive bonuses based on their associated country;
* normal organization cannot hire employees anymore.

New create building module

The old "create company" page have been redesigned and you can now create 14 buildings.

Because some raw materials buildings can be created by using local currency, "raw materials companies" cannot be sold anymore.

CC = local currency of your citizenship country

Basic production:

* A QX food factory requires X food raw materials for 1 (one) food of that quality (e.g. a Q2 food factory will require 80 food raw materials and will produce 40 food Q2).
* A QY weapons factory requires 10*Y weapon raw materials for 1 (weapon) of that quality (e.g. a Q2 weapons factory will require 80 weapon raw materials and will produce 4 weapons Q2).

One click work

When you click on raw materials or factories buildings, you will see directly the work results.

When you click on the storage buildings, you will be directed to your storage/inventory.

* Grain (storage items) becomes Food Raw Material (storage items)
* Iron, Stone, Oil (storage items) become Weapon Raw Material (storage items)
* Moving tickets, House, Hospital, Defense system (storage items) - no change
* Grain (company) becomes Fishery (building)
* Iron, Stone, Oil (companies) become Aluminium mine (buildings)
* Moving tickets, House, Hospital, Defense system (companies) become Weapon factory (buildings)

All previous migration panels are removed. New migration panels are activated for:

* Aluminum Mine - can be migrated into Fishery
* Weapons factory - can be migrated into Food Factory

New change location system

If you do not have an available ticket in order to move, you will be asked to pay a small fee (20 - 100 local currency) in order to change your location.
Updated mission

Find El Dorado - Prepare for the journey

* changed hint into "You can buy weapons from the Marketplace (link to Marketplace) and you can train at the Training Area (link to Train).
* changed 3rd requirement from "Have 8 moving tickets in your inventory" into "Have 200 citizenship currency in your account"
* removed unlock cost for 3rd requirement

Other improvements

1. A new redesigned sidebar has been implemented.
2. Job market - the employer (citizen) and its company (building) have been emphasized.
3. Companies for sale - the current owner (citizen) and its company (building) have been emphasized.
4. Taxes (types and laws) were updated accordingly.
5. Marketplace - updated item filters accordingly.