deflation! invest in usd! hold as much usd as you can! get rid of gold!

Day 1,905, 05:18 Published in USA USA by ComputerSpeaker

it is profitable,

if the raw materials drop to .02 you get a 66% return! it will take a month i think! but it will happen!

think buy food .03 now hold it then sell for .02 u lose 66%

hold usd now buy food .02 later then u save 66%

see as long as no more local currency can be made
and as long as gold can be made! with irl money

the dirivitive of
amt of local /amt of gold is negative
saying the amount of local currency is going down with respect to the amount of gold!


price of local/ price of gold goes up!!!

so do not hold gold the value of gold is dropping, someone should moniter it! i think i remember it being $500 now it $250 soon $100

so hold usd and not gold, mever hold gold!! get rid of your gold now, before it is too late!

just in the last hour gold 278 to 276!! down to 272

2/6/13,8:00pm 271
2/6/13,9:00pm 269
2/7/13, 6:00am 268.7
2/7/13,9:38am 274.888 <-- well i guess gold not dropping too fast!
2/7/13,8:25pm 270.000

2 local currency drop in 1 hour! ohh my!!

it loses 5% a day!!! holding gold you lose 5% local currency value a day!!!